Stranger Danger pt2

Start from the beginning

Unlike last time I was losing it, he allowed me to hold onto him. His predatory look grew as he growled lowly and happily. He pulled me closer to him, his hand on my nether region pressed more firmly there. The pressure on those bundles of nerves was making my head spin!

"It's hard to control myself when you look so damn delicious~ I want to taste every inch of you~ I want you screaming my name over and over again~" He growled, nipping at my jaw line. "I want you mine~"

I moaned lowly, burying my face into his shoulder. I didn't completely understand his words, but I loved them. They excited me again and again~ I wanted nothing more than to see what he meant by those words. I wanted him to show me~!

"Show me~ Show me please~" I breathed hotly into his ear.

All I remember after that was a growl and him telling me I shouldn't have said that. Then it all was blank with pleasure.

When I woke up again, I was dressed in a soft nightgown. I no longer had a body summoned, but I felt both exhausted and replenished.

Humming softly, I sat up and slowly climbed out of bed. The first thing I noticed was the fact that my arm was completely covered in bite marks and bruises that didn't really hurt. I shook this off and carefully left the room as my legs were a bit wobbly.

It wasn't long till I made it to the kitchen, where Fresh was cooking something. It smelled like waffles and bacon.

"H-How long was I sleeping?" I called out, blushing darkly.

His back tensed before he calmed down and looked to me. He gave me a large, sweet smile, his eyes being shown to me.

"Just a day. You must be hungry by now." I nodded. "Well, I'm just finishing up the breakfast proportion. You should try some of the dinner." He motioned to the table, which I now saw had an assortment of food.

I grinned happily to him before I stumbled over to it. It wasn't long before I started eating what was there and then the waffles and bacon that were then placed in front of me. While we were eating, we were talking about random things.

Suddenly, a memory came up.

"Where's Mommy and Daddy?" I paused for a moment. "I thought I heard them when we... We first did what we did..." I bit my lip for a moment before looking up to him. "What did we do?"

He laughed a little, it being a very soft and gentle laugh.

"We had sex. There are many ways to have sex, the way we've been having it, is the normal way." His statement piqued my interest.

"There's other ways to have sex? Can... Can we try other ways?" I lowered my voice nearing the end.

His grin grew, him laughing again.

"Of course, but why don't we go out tonight? Go somewhere a little fancy?" He hummed at the end, leaning forward.

I smiled back at him, bowing my head. "Like... A date?" I peeked up at him, watching as a deep blush flashed across his face, his soul-eye flaring.

"Damn..." He muttered. "You're too enchanting." My cheeks heated up as I giggled some, smiling a little. "Yeah, it'll be a date. I can get you a pretty dress or suit if you want." He reached across the table and gently cupped my face.

I giggled more, leaning into his hand. He was being very gentle with me now, was it because we had sex? Wait...

"Oh! You didn't answer my first question." He gave me a confused look before chuckling.

"You mean where your parents are?" I nodded. "Don't know. I talked with them while you were sleeping the first time. They took a walk after that." He shrugged, but I couldn't help frowning.

"Are... Are they going to abandon me?" I leaned back in my chair, bowing my head. As much as I hated their almost constant fighting and their high expectations of me, they were still my parents... I still wanted their approval, or to just have me know they don't hate me...

"Jammy..." I looked up to see Fresh standing in front of me, his expression telling me he wasn't happy. "I know you care about them, but they need to trust you too. Let you be on your own for a little while, try something new. Don't you think that would help teach you better than keeping you cooped up all day?"

I bit my lip and bowed my head. I still would like to know where they went...

"O-Okay... They... They just need a little time, right?" I gave a hopeful smile to Mr. Fresh, which he returned.

"Of course. Now, why don't you take a long bath and I go get you something to wear?" I giggled happily as I nodded, hopping down from the chair and hurrying off to get cleaned up.

I paused in the hallway, away from Fresh's eyes for a second. An odd chill had gone down my spine, spike of fear stabbing at my awkward soul. Yet, when I moved forward again, the fear disappeared.

I shrugged it off. It probably wasn't anything important anyway.

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