Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Kim Namjoon

This week was so full of love and annoyance. I am not looking forward to having get togethers with both of our families again. Between my dad and her brother I didn't know who was more competitive. Any activity with did they challenge each other, who can eat more bowls of ramen, who can out drink one another, and so much more.

It was finally New Years Eve and we had all of our families having dinner at the top of the hotel. We had the perfect view for the fireworks.

"Auntie can you pass me the green beans?" Hae won asked Precious.

Precious smiled and began putting green beans on her plate. She looked beautiful being an aunt, imagine her as a mom.

"I got a surprise for you when you pop the question." Jin whispered.

"It bet not be nothing embarrassing." I said.

"It was at first, but the guys talked me out of it, it will happen at exactly 12:01." He said.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Korain, we should definitely merge our companies." Jin father said.

Jin rolled his eyes and groaned.

"I'll have my people reach out to your people and see what we can do." Korain said.

"Dad, I thought this was vacation no work remember." Jin said.

Jin's father laughed.

"Ok ok." He said.

I looked at my watch and it was 11:50 p.m. we were on desert everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I decided to go to the bathroom and calm my nerves down.

"You ok?" Taehyung asked.

"Hell no, I'm nervous what if she say no?" I asked.

"She's not going to say no." He said.

I rubbed my hands through my hair.

"Look everything is going to be ok, you guys love one another everything will be fine." He said.

  I sighed and took a deep breath. I checked my watch again and it was 11:55. I went back to our family and seen Precious and Hae Won dancing. Everyone watched and cheered them on. You can tell Hae Won was her favorite, I laughed as they danced silly together.

"Oh guys the countdown is about to start." Hobi said.

We listened to the radio as they counted down from 1 minute.

"Let's watch the fire works guys." I said.

We all gathered by the window and continued listening to the countdown as it got closer to ten seconds. I watch as Precious was looking out the window. I took a deep breath and got on one knee, our family began counting and so did Precious. She was still looking out the window, my palms were getting sweaty.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" She said turning to me.

She gasp as she looked at the ring. Everyone stopped clapping as she looked at me.

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