Chapter Six

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Precious Love

I woke up and stretched yesterday was not only a busy day for them but for me also. I looked at my bed hair and sighed, I decided to just let it be and put on some joggers. I checked some emails before deciding to go to the boys house.

When I got there it was quiet, I figured they didn't eat yet and decide to make them breakfast. We seriously need to go grocery shopping for sure. They only had eggs, cheese and rice, terrible. I made them breakfast and cleaned up my mess. When I was finished I seen Namjoon come in the kitchen.

"Morning." I said.

"Good morning." He did a light smile and sat down at the table.

This man was beautiful even with fluffy hair.

"Here I made you guys breakfast eat up I'm going to go wake everyone else up." I said as he nodded.

I went to each of there rooms to wake them up and it was easier than yesterday. They sat at the table and began eating, it was quiet of course because everyone was sleepy.

"Do we have anything to do today?" Yoongi asked stuffing food in his mouth.

"Nope but we do need to go grocery shopping." I said.

"Yes." Taehyung said.

I laughed at how excited he was.

"I need more snacks and I owe V dumplings." Jimin said.

"Yeah you do." Taehyung said.

"I need more snacks anyway." Jin said.

I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and sat it down.

"Make a list." I said.

"We coming with you we don't need a list." Jungkook said.

"Still make a list so you won't forget anything dummy." Namjoon said.

Everyone laughed and finished eating. Hobi helped me with the dishes and followed everyone else to go get dressed. I sat and waited as I looked at the list, I needed things for myself also.

I pulled my phone out and called a few body guards to escort us just to be safe. Once I was done with the call they were ready and we left.

"How about music." Namjoon said.

He flicked through the radio station and a willow smith song came on. We all sang along to it and jammed the whole way to the grocery store. I parked the car and got out and was met with a few body guards.

We went inside and it wasn't that busy at all. We were half way done with the list all we needed was a few things.

I grabbed a few items and placed them in the cart. I also grabbed me some things and we were finished. Once out the grocery store the body guards guided the boys to the van and helped me load up groceries.

Once we made it home they helped put there groceries up and sat down.

"Ok guys I'm going to go drop the groceries off at my house and I'll be back later ok." I said.

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