Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kim Namjoon

"Come on pleaseeee." Geongmin begged.

"No." I said.

She was begging me to go shopping with her but I was not feeling it, especially since I was going to be with Precious and her no.

"Pleassseeeeeeee." Precious added with puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ok fine." I said.

"Yay." Precious clapped.

We went to a near by shopping center. It was barely anyone here which was good for me.

"Namjoon, this look cute?" Geongmin asked holding a graphic tee.

"I guess." I shrugged.

She smacked her lips and asked Precious.

"It would go nice with some baggy jeans." She said.

"Genius." Geongmin said.

I rolled my eyes and played on my phone. As they continued shopping, my phone began to ring it was a FaceTime from Jin. I answer and he looked like he just woke up.

 I answer and he looked like he just woke up

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"Hello." He said.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Geongmin and Precious dragged me to go shopping with them." I groaned.

"Oh you're in Korea?" He asked.

"Yeah just a few hours from Seoul." I said.

"You're coming back early?" He asked.

"Yeah, we should be back in about two days." I said.

"So you introduced her to your parents?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Do they like her?" He asked.

"Yeah they do, it was awkward at first but of course Precious grew on them." I said smiling.

"Precious grows on everyone." He said.

"Which is a good thing and bad thing." I said rolling my eyes.

"Why you say that?" He asked laughing.

"A good thing because it made my parents accept her a bad thing because other people will like her." I said.

He laughed.

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