Chapter Fifteen

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Kim Namjoon

It's been a few weeks since the incident with Precious dad, and she's better than before. The Amas were a week away and we were up at five in the morning, doing last minute packing.

"Ok please double check that you guys have everything." Precious said.

"For the tenth time we have everything." Hobi said.

"Ok let's head to the airport, the car will drop us off at the the side entrance." She said.

I grabbed her bag and we headed to the van. We practice hard for this performance so I hope we win. I already gave the chairman a time and a place for our public announcement.

"So when we get to Los Angles it would be night, so we will have to go straight to the hotel to rest." Precious said.

"Great because I am beat." Jin said.

"What's after the awards do we return back home?" Yoongi asked.

"There is no schedule for the next two months actually." She said.

We looked at her.

"Huh?" Taehyung asked.

"After a year of hard work and making it international the chairman has granted you guys, a two month break your free to travel to sleep anything." She shrugged.

"I'm definitely going on vacation." Jimin said.

"This is including you guys to?" Hobi asked.

"Yeah." Jin-Soo said.

A two month break, that could be a break from the spot light. It could give Precious and I time to be together with no interruptions.

"Ok guys were here, let's do a check." Precious said.

We stepped out the car and she pulled out her planner.

"Phones?" She asked.

"Check." Hobi said.

"Personal items?" She asked.

"Check." I said.

"Ramen, wait Jungkook did write this?" She asked.

"Check." He said laughing.

She shook her head and we went through TSA and headed to the jet. It was going to be a long flight from Korea to America.

"Ok anyone want snacks?" Precious asked.

"I do." Hobi said.

She passed him the bag and he grabbed a few items.

"Hey, you taking everything." Taehyung said snatching the bag.

I chuckled and watched the bag go into rotation. When it got to me it was barely anything in there.

"Don't worry, I saved you some." Precious said passing me another bag.

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