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Soon enough Minho was seen running from a small distance, stopping in his tracks as he saw them, and how horrible Jeongin looked and was, eventually continuing to charge towards the two.

"Get the car Minho" Hyunjin ordered him, throwing him the keys, not letting the older process the fact he was actually allowed to drive for once. But now, it was all about Jeongin, who was barely even conscious.

The way he hung onto Hyunjin, gagging as there wasn't anymore to throw up was torturous enough to look at. He looked dead, the dark circles underneath his eyes, how unbelievably pale he was, and how he shivered at the slightest touch, this boy..was anything but fine.

As if Minho felt like it was his on the risk, he drove the car to them as fast as possible, trying to avoid people passing  the small parking lot.

He reached to them an exited the car, coming up to help get Jeongin in the car, the boy who were still gagging and coughing, feeling oh so unbelievably bad as his stomach ached along with his head, feeling it spin as everything seemed to go by so fast..yet so slow.

Minho sat with him in the back of the car, letting Hyunjin drive, as he k ew they would definitely get pulled over if he was the one driving. So he stuck to clinging onto Jeongin, hugging the boy gently as he felt the urge to not let go, watching he cried cause him to tear up himself..he felt overwhelmed by the sudden situation, it reminded him so much of his own. He knew what it was like the be in Jeongin's shoes, he knew that Jeongin lied and made excuses to cover up his father's behaviour. But he knew not to push the boy, cause that would make him feel to stressed..that he would probably have ended up in this situation, without them being there to help him through it.

"Hyunjin, for god sake, just press thst fucking speeder down!" Minho yelled, hating how Hyunjin ignored his words, knowing that Minho was thinking out of pure impulses.

"Minho calm down, I know it's a stressful moment, but he is gonna be just find if we don't continue to stress him" Hyunjin spoke, knowing how much both their panicked states affected how Jeongin felt currently.

Minho just lowered his head to look at Jeongin, who had his eyes clenched, as he breathed harshly through his nose, digging his nails into Minho's soft skin. Regardless the pain of that, Minho couldn't help but to calm down, looking down at the boy who before all this, had brought him peace by simply just looking at his delicate features.

"Sorry" He spoke, feeling slightly guilty for gearing them both up.

"It's fine, just comfort him alright, we should be there in around 8 minutes..remember it's not his death day, we just need to know what's causing him to feel like this, and then we'll go home, and have a talk about whatever is wrong with him..I'm sure there is a proper solution to this" Hyunjin spoke, glad that he could calm his own nerves down.

Minho nodded in agreement, as he continued to cuddle the boy in his arms, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he caressed his still soft skin, giving him forehead kisses..everything to make Jeongin feel better.

Cause surely, that was all that was on their mind.

Sorry for the late update♡.

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