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Jeongin tried to quietly search the cabinets for any form of food, he felt unbelievay hungry, but he was scared his father was going to figure out. His stomach was practically killing him, to the point were he no longer threw up, because his stomach simply wasn't filled with anything. But there was occasions where if he did drink water, he'd throw that up in the span of fifteen minutes. Headaches were getting much more prominent and strong, his constantly felt light headed and dizzy, and his frame got a lot more smaller. For him, it was pure torture, but he simply just couldn't help it, he hated having to feel such ways.

He had no money, he didn't want to rely on the two men for food, and it was purely a survival game if he had to get food at home.

He opened the last cabinet, smiling softly as he found a bag of instant noodles in there, now debating whether he should take it. It wasn't his, and there was nothing else for him to eat, but his father would definitely notice. So taking it was purely a risk.

Sighing in defeat, he closed the last cabinet leaving without anything in his hands, as he chose not to take the risk of taking the instant noodles. He sat back down on his bed, hugging his stomach as it continued to ache real badly, cold sweat covering his body as he eventually grew tired, closing his eyes as he hoped that he would die in tonight's sleep.


"Hey..baby, wake up" A familiar voice appeared beside Jeongin's ear, causing him to flutter his eyes open at the sudden gently voice next to him, a voice he could easily recognize to be Minho's.

"Minho?" Jeongin rubbed his eyes off sleep, opening it again as he made eye contact with non other than Minho, sitting in front of him with a small smile.

"Hyunjin reported that you haven't been in school recently, how come? You look so pale and tired, I'm happy that your eye is healing well" Minho spoke all at once, letting the boy embrace him weakly, which of course didn't go unnoticed by him.

Jeongin had mixed feelings with Minho being here, he wanted to smile out of pure happiness and hug him till he couldn't breath. But at the same time he was worried about his father noticing them.

"Why are you here?" He whispered, looking at Minho's confused gaze.

"Huh? Well your father is not home, so I decided to come visit you..I know I should have texted, but you've been acting strange recently" Minho explained, smiling softly as he stood uo, letting the boy follow behind slowly.

"But I swear I'm doing fine, just been a bit lazy that's it" Jeongin defended himself quickly, much to Minho's suspicion.

Jeongin knew he wouldn't be able to lie forever, he knew thst not telling them the truth was wrong. But he couldn't help it, he hated thinking about losing the only person thst used to be there. It was honestly odd to have both Hyunjin and Minho, and then suddenly not have a supportive father anymore.

"Mental exhaustion is not being lazy..who made you think that your lazy just because you need time to build up mental strength to actually get the simplest things done?" Minho asked concerned, knowing that the kunger didn't speak to anyone other than him, Hyunjin and probably his father.

"Uh..I just didn't know what else to call it..sorry".

"It's fine, but your not lazy" Minhi stated, handing him a plastic bag that held something quite warm inside.

Jeongin could only assume it was food.

Quite a boring chapter, but it'll do.

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