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Jeongin waited patiently for Minho and Hyunjin to arrive, and too say, they did so quickly. He had remembered to wear a hoodie, underneath a tshirt, and some black sweatpants to keep him warm. He had chosen his one favorite blanket, it being so fluffy and soft, he just couldn't help but need to bring it along. And yeah, they were now waiting down stairs, and Jeongin had to sneak out without seeming suspicious. Which lucky went well, as he got settled in the car, seating behind with Minho, who had his arms open for the boy to cuddle into.

And he did shamelessly. He felt so overwhelmed by the amount of affection given to him, it was already overwhelming.

"Hey baby..excited?" Hyunjin spoke, eventually driving off to the little special place.

"Mhm..I don't think he'll notice I'm gone" Jeongin smiled bitterly, remembering the time where he actually dared to ask for allowance from his father, now they were just complete strangers to each other.

It was so unbelievabl just how fast the nights changes, from going from being a sweet father and son, too two distant people within one night. And to say, he wasn't happy at all. He thought everything would somehow turn out great in December, but it seemed as if, December is just as cold as January.

"I don't like how you sneak out like that..you used to be able to ask your father, but now you do it without permission. Sure we don't mind it, but we just don't like the reason behind it" Minho spoke, eyes closed as he held the boy tightly.

He was right. But Jeongin couldn't help it, he was shocked too, it came so unexpectedly.

"Your right. But I'm just not comfortable in that apartment anymore..something changed, and you can feel it..he can't even look at me without bickering stupid words to himself. It's just unbelievably hard for me..yet o feel like the burden" Jeongin spoke, getting wiote teary as he owly slid into the older's arms, piece by piece.

"Don't ever guilt blame yourself baby, you won't get anything out of it..we're happy you choose to come to isnonstead of that jerk, but try talking with him, and if it doesn't work out, you can come to us..our doors are always open, just for you" Hyunjin spoke from the driver seat, sharing a knowing look with Minho in the review mirror.

"Now let's focus on the positives..you get to be with us, watching the sunset, and the hour go past midnight, for Christmas day to begin..I'm sure you'll like that? Consider it your present" Hyunjin smiled, driving off into the rooms, the younger completely lost in the older's arms, and by hearing Hyunjin's oh so sweet voice..enough to soothe him and calm his nerves down.

"Thank you" he mumbled against Minho's chest, earning a coo in reply.

The two men couldn't get over the beautiful sight in the backseat, Jeongin being oh so adorably cute in Minho's arm, taking a sweet nap on the way up..he was too perfect..

And too precious.

One of the staff took the speakers from me and my friend which we used to listen to music, and went to listen to music herself..like we were using it and she asked me to log off, how rude :(.

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