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Fly high.

The day came quicker than he had expected, cause surely..his mother passed approximately 2 days after he visited her. But eventually this time, he couldn't bring himself to go see her, and that was okay..atleast he went to see her, alive two days ago, and he was just happy, that the staff from the hospital, let the window stay opened.

How he'd know that? Well they were kind enough to email it to them, and let's just say, he broke into tears.

But he felt relieved, cause if he didn't went to go see her, he might be in deep dread and guilt for not doing so. And it was in fact easier to cope with her death, know that he actually listened to Minho. So he was satisfied with his decision, purely affected, but atleast he knew he wouldn't feel guilty or regret It later on.

And even Minho told him it was okay, that he was happy that Jeongin atleadt went to go see her when she was alive.

December has been a rough month for him, and with it being the 16th, dangerously close to christmas, Jeongin couldn't help himself..but to buy her a presence, knowing she wasn't going to get it, but it was the thought that counts.

"Hey Jeongin..is there anything you need right now? I know today is a difficult day..so if you need or want something, then tell us alright?" Hyunjin came in with a smile, spotting the boy sob quietly on his bed with a picture frame in his hands.

Even though he was prepared to lose her, he was of course still sensitive and emotional, and Hyunjin kept checking on him every 15 to 30 minutes, to make sure Jeongin was in fact okay. Sure he may not be okay with all that happened today, but in okay he meant, not completely broken and unable to contain himself.

"I-it's fine really..thank you" Jeongin spoke, letting Hyunjin inside his room.

Minho was sadly not present today, he was this morning, but had to leave due to the exams coming up..no, not his own exams..but Minho was a grade above, and had to prepare for the exams coming.

"So, wanna go for a car ride? I know a beautiful place that may calm your mind" Hyunjin spoke softly, causing the boy to look up I curiosity.

"Okay..but you promise to not kidnap me" Jeongin spoke, earning a laugh from Hyunjin.

"As much as I want to just take you and keep you for ourselves, no, I will not kidnap you" Hyunjin chuckled, pinching the boy's cheeks as he continued laughing at the silly words the smaller shared.

"Seems like you already have had a plan on doing so" Jeongin shook his head, eventually standing up, already feeling better..who knew that somebodies stalkers, could make you feel so much better? Cause he certainly didn't.

"Haha, now go get your ass in the car..the ride is gonna be a bit long" Hyunjin smirked.

"Oh no".

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