"Does that matter? I got a text from a guy called Richard." Lando shrugged not bothered about the details. That made her blood turn cold. Lando noticed her change in expression. "What did you kiss him as well?"

"Well yes but I haven't in like two years, he's my ex. He was the reason I kissed George." Emilia sighed. Somehow, this man continued ruining her life and yet Emilia had thought she'd gotten rid of him. "Lando I owe you an explanation to what happened. Please just listen to all of it then you can shout at me or whatever makes you feel better." Lando ran his hand through his hair and reluctantly nodded. "On Saturday evening I was waiting with George for the lift and we'd been drinking a bit because of the Williams party and I saw my ex out of the corner of my eye. I hoped he wouldn't see me but he did and walked towards me. I panicked and was thinking of anything I could do to make him go away and I thought of Richard kissing me and I had the idea to kiss George. It wasn't a proper kiss. He walked away and we got in the lift as soon as it got there."

"Fucking George of course he did." Lando swore.

"Hey, this is not George's fault. This is all on me." Emilia owned up. She debated on whether she should leave the story there but she had to tell the whole truth. "I tried to find you, I went to your room, I called you but I couldn't tell you what happened over text that's just wrong."

"You're unbelievable!" Lando shouted. "The one guy I tell you I'm worried about you leaving me for, is the man you kissed. The first time, I almost understand. No I don't understand but I can see why you would do that even though you could have literally done anything else like run away, ignore him." Emilia had no valid answer for that.

"Can we go back to the fact that I'm not the only one who's cheated here? Baku last year you thought I was cheating so you decided to go and actually cheat on me. I understand we were in a different place back then and I get that was nowhere near as bad as what I did because you never actually kissed her but the roles were reversed a few..." Emilia trailed off because something with Lando was off. "You kissed her?" Emilia was hoping for a reassurance but none came from the McLaren driver. "You weren't even going to tell me. I can't believe you."

"That was months ago anyway." Lando shrugged. It wasn't even ground between the two of them but it was fairly close.

"You've been lying to me for months." Emilia was in disbelief. He had the audacity to have a go at her when she had the intention of telling him. Yes she knew who she kissed was a lot worse than some random girl but to Emilia that was almost as bad.

"Don't try and change the subject." Lando scoffed.

"You're trying to change the subject!" Emilia accused. It probably didn't help that both of them had been drinking. "Did you just kiss her or was it more?" Lando didn't shut her down on that question. "This is a joke. I cannot believe you."

"You kissed George." Lando threw back. "I never asked you for anything in this relationship other than reassurance that you're not going to get with George and look what happened."

"I never 'got with him' like you did with some skank so don't accuse me of that. And yeah, you did ask for more, in Spa you declared that I couldn't be friends with him at all."

"I was angry." Lando snapped. "Countless times I've helped you and offered you comfort after you keep going through things." Lando almost made it sound like it was Emilia's fault that her Grandad passed then she got in a car crash or that's how Emilia interpreted it.

"That doesn't make it okay to decide who I'm friends with."

"And it's okay to kiss George is it?" Lando shouted.

"No it's not and I apologise for my mistake. At least I didn't try to cover it up for months." Emilia yelled.

"I kissed some random girl. You kissed the guy who was my best friend and the guy I specifically told you I was worried about you kissing." Lando was shouting but his voice kept cracking and breaking. He lifted his arm to gesticulate making Emilia take a step back. Lando looked at his hand that was raised with confusion. "You think I would hit you?" Lando's voice softened.

That's Racing Baby | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now