050; i love everything about you

536 22 14

༉ 📓  ₊ ˚ 🗯 ⋆ ˳ 🔗 ͛ ๑ —
chapter fifty

third person.

"hey babe," isabella slightly tilted her head up to look at corbyn as they were laying in bed, her head on his chest and a show playing off his laptop which he had balanced on his angled thighs so they both could see the screen well.

"yea bell?" he questioned while pausing the show and looked back at her, giving her a soft smile as she hesitated slightly for a few seconds to respond.

"madi asked- actually i don't know if she likes being called that, madeline asked me the other day how long we've been dating for.. and it's technically almost been four years, did you know that?"

"yeah i know that, why wouldn't i?" he furrowed a little in his response. "and why are we talking about this now, it's still like four months away?"

"i don't know," she shrugged as she laid her head back down turning her attention back to the laptop, waiting for him to press play. "just thought it was kind cool, ya know.."

"yeah it is," he agreed, soon continuing the show.

the two fell back into silence as they both started concentrating on the show they had started a couple nights ago and only now was finding time to watch some more of it.

this was definitely one of the more calming moments the couple would spend together. and although it would end up happening quite often, they both seemed to enjoy it each and every time.

it's as if everything that goes on in their lives — whether if it's at school, something going on in either of their personal lives, or even getting over a small argument they've had, it's as if none of that mattered anymore and it was all forgotten about.

isabella knew her friends were right when they had said the boy cares for her at lot, because he definitely does. corbyn has put so much on the line over the past three years to make sure she was okay, she was safe and she was happy.

and realistically, she was all that mattered to him. he was willing to get into a fight with anyone, let whatever rumours spread around school, break anyone's heart, and much more, because in the end he knew that he was doing all that for her, and only her.

constantly risking things just to have a little fun and doing things they probably shouldn't be during times they definitely shouldn't be. but that was the thrill of their relationship. and those times was something they very much liked about each other. how they were both willing to do whatever, with no care.

even when in some moments they felt like they couldn't deal with one another and never want to see the other's face again after they would get annoyed and get into arguments over silly little things. they always came back to each other.

and if sleeping back to back on either side of his bed, there being enough room in between for another person, and then waking up the next morning as if nothing happened was how they got over it, that's what they done.

they would never in a million years say the words out loud, but they couldn't imagine a life without each other.

going through thick and thin, and experiencing many challenging times together which had brought them closer, they couldn't even think about throwing all that away and forgetting and moving on from all those memories they had made.

most couples in there position would have meaningfully said those eight letters well before now. but there was something about saying it that intimidated not only isabella but corbyn as well.

she's seen many relationships end so suddenly or couples ending up constantly fighting and become toxic for one another, and she didn't want that for them. she wanted the sort of relationship where they don't need to prove themselves, or need to use words to validate their feelings.

she just wanted something simple.

and without even coming to the agreement verbally, corbyn unknowingly wanted the same for them. so when it comes to him thinking about saying those words to her, he would have doubts because he didn't know if she was waiting to say it as well.

so as they laid there in the comfort of one another, both pairs of eyes on the laptop, but corbyn's occasionally flicking to her as a small smile was on his face while the current episode of their show was coming to an end.

isabella reached over to the night stand behind her for her phone to check it quickly since she was nervous and wanted to do something with her hands without seeming to fidgety.

corbyn let out a yawn and carefully stretched his arms out for a few seconds then laying them back where they were previously, around her as he flattened his legs out. then grabbing his laptop and pausing the show before the next episode could begin.

"what time is it? i'm fucking tired," he questioned whilst he looked at her and slightly played with her hair with the hand that wasn't wrapped around her waist.

"twelve.." she simply replied, lifting her head up a little to look at him and then both sharing a soft smile with each other.

he quickly lent down and placed a singular kiss on her lips. "do you wanna stop watching the show and try to go to sleep?" he suggested, his free hand on the laptop screen ready to shut it.

"yeah okay.."

he closed the laptop and sat it on his bedside table. in the process isabella had sat up slightly and moved so her head was now rested on the pillow, but his arm still around her.

he turned onto his side a bit, now being able to look at her better. his free hand went back to her hair, slowly and gently running his fingers through it as they kept their smiles on their faces.

"i love you," isabella blurted out. "like i love everything about you and i love how much you care for me and i just like love everything that you do."

"i love you too," corbyn said though a small chuckle which he had let out in response to her rambling, then leaning as his hand was rested on her cheek and placing a few kisses on her lips. "and i also love everything about you, and i would do anything in the world if it means it's for you."

"you're so cute," she whispered while she buried her head into his chest.

"we could be like end game or someshit," he joked, which had received him her playfully shaking her head against his chest as she let out a small laugh. "seriously though, i do love you."

"me too.."


i can't believe this is my third book i've completed in like six months but than again i'm like addicted to this app and wbk that lmao

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