040; but for us it's different

430 22 2

༉ 📓  ₊ ˚ 🗯 ⋆ ˳ 🔗 ͛ ๑ —
chapter forty

third person.

"hey bella.." a student from beside her spoke up, gaining the girl's attention but not receiving a response. "are you and corbyn dating?"

"why, stephanie, why do you need to know?"

"oh i- i was just wondering," she was startled a little by the other's tone.

"corbyn and i are friends.. who fuck," she explained. "i would never call that dickhead my boyfriend."

"okayy" stephanie slowly nodded then she turned back to her class work. isabella rolled her eyes and then went back to her, continuing to write out the message she was typing before being interrupted.

"but if you're getting money from it, then yes we are dating," isabella added while not even bothering to look at the other.

"there wasn't money involved.." she lightly furrowed.

"there was for me so thanks," jamie, the boy sat in front of isabella chimed in as he turned around to face the girls.

isabella turned her phone off, folded her arms and lent forward slightly. "give me some of your money," she bluntly spoke, but keeping her tone low enough so others didn't hear.

"aren't you like rich? why would you need my money," he huffed.

"because if i can scam money off dickheads like you who put bets on who i date, i will," she responded. "and considering the fact my name's involved.. i think i deserve a cut," she added while giving him a sarcastic smile.

"ugh fine have some money," he groaned, turning back around and searching for his wallet in his school bag. "here."

"easily convinced," she quietly laughed out, grabbing the twenty dollar bill from him and getting up as the lunch bell rung.

"isabella, sitting back down i'll like to talk to you," mrs cooper spoke up. "everyone else you're dismissed."

the girl let out a sigh as she at back down, watching everyone else taking their time to pack up their belongings, which was starting to annoy her but she kept her mouth shut.

once everyone else left, mrs cooper made her way over to the girl and stood in front of her with a piece of paper in her hand. "now bella.." she placed the paper down on the desk.

looking at the 'd' graded paper then up at the teacher. "what about it? it's passable." she crossed her arms.

"barely," she softly nodded her head. "bella, next time i have you.. i want you to hand your phone to me at the beginning of the lesson- i'll keep it safe in my drawer. and then i want to see you attempt and understand the work."


"go enjoy your lunch," mrs cooper gave her a smile as she grabbed the paper and made her way back over to her desk.

isabella grabbed her bag and walked out of the classroom. stopping to talk with one the of the jocks, mainly telling him to 'fuck off' before going to the cafeteria.

"where's corbyn?" isabella looked around the group sitting at their table, it already being ten minutes after the lunch bell rung so they were all there beside him.

"i'm pretty sure he's doesn't have a class last so he's probably gone home," jonah responded as he watched her slowly nod.

"alright. i'm going as well then, seen you all tomorrow-"

"wait can you take me?" zach interrupted her, grabbing onto his bag while waiting for his response.

"get fuck. you have class."

"you do too so pleaseee," he begged, pouting slightly as she still didn't agree to take him. "my place is on the way to corbyn's."

"i'm-" she stopped herself to let out a sigh and shook her head at him. "whatever. hurry up, kid," she finished while he jumped off the table.

and with that, isabella turned around and left the cafeteria with zach following behind. wondering through the halls, in silence and not talking to one another as they made their way to the exit of the school's car park.

"were you going home, not corbyn's?" zach asked. "okay.." he mumbled after a few seconds since he didn't get a respond, although she did softly shake her head but he didn't notice.

the two got into her car, she started it and sent corbyn a text letting him know she was coming over, then handing her phone to zach before reversing out of the park.

"why do i have this?" he furrowed looking at the locked phone then at isabella.

"just keep ahold of it, tell me if corbyn messages and leave it on the seat when you get out."

"right," he nodded.

"why are you even skipping class?" she questioned after a bit, while keeping her eyes on the road — not that she cared to look at him anyway, she was just simply trying to not make things awkward.

"cause the girl i like is not here today and she's the only thing that makes biology dealable," he sort of mumbled in respond.

"you're so cute kid," she said through a small laugh.

"hey! i'm not even a year younger!"

"zach, your birthday's the day before mine," she reminded him, slightly raising a brow at him as they stopped for another car to pass through the intersection. "so yes you are a year younger."

"oh fuck off," he jokingly groaned.

"language!" she slightly exclaimed as they pulled up out the front of his house. "now get out of my fucking car so i can see my boyfriend."

"go have fun with him," he replied, getting out of her car while she playfully rolled her eyes. "also thanks," he added, shutting the door then walking off to his front door.

isabella looked at her phone quickly to see if corbyn had replied, which he still hadn't yet. setting it back down on the passenger seat before starting to drive there.

once she had arrive at corbyn's place, she stood there with her arms crossed after knocking on the door. slowly yet impatiently tapping her foot on ground as her arms dropped and swung either side of her body.

"took ya long enough," he joked while welcoming her into his house. "if you left when you said you did, you would've been here like ten minutes ago.."

"i had to drop zach home because i was going and his girl crush isn't at school so he didn't want to go to class," she sarcastically explained, shutting the front door behind herself then followed him to the kitchen.

"don't bully him.." he turned back to face her, slightly raising a brow. "look at you."

"yeah but for us it's different," she dragged out the word while reaching up and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"is it now?" he softly responded as his arms went to her lower waist pulling her in closer and attaching his lips onto her.

"let's go to your room," she whispered as she pulled away and gave him a smile.

"yes, okay, let's go"


everyone look i actually done something involving the plot bc i realised half way through writing this chapter that it's pretty much all fillers 😃 but then again i also chose a simple plot so it made it easy to write. idk they're dating so it works

anyway.. 10 chapters left 👀

END GAME; 𝖼𝗆𝖻 ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz