014; yeah totally followed the rules

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chapter fourteen

third person.

"could isabella lynch, corbyn besson, daniel seavey, kaycee mckight and ezra ramirez please all to make their way to mr. fraziers office," was announced over the speakers.

the seniors had arrived back in town friday evening, it was now third period on the monday and someone had already informed their principal of their actions while on the ski trip.

"haha sucked in," zach laughed at the isabella.

"fucking nessa," she groaned under her breath as she stood up.

"isabella, don't start blaming other people, now get on your way," mr marcy pointed towards the door.

"no, it's for sure nessa cause otherwise those two would be getting in trouble as well," she mentioned. "honestly surprised the whole group isn't being called up."

"no," jack spoke up. "we followed the rules. don't start snitching us in cause you got caught."

"mh yeah totally followed the rules," she let out a small laugh as she grabbed her belongings.

she left the room and meet up with kaycee and corbyn since their classes were close by, the three then made their way through the halls in the direction of the principal's office.

"you know this is your fault?" kaycee said bluntly as the two both agreed, but we're joking around when they did. she shook her head at them as they kept walking.

they walked into mr. frazier's office, where the other two already were and took a seat across from their principal, and unintentionally corbyn and isabella were seated in the middle.

"now, do you all know why you're here?"

"yeah we made the trip fun," isabella slouched back in her chair while checking something on her phone, and avoiding eye contact with the principal.

"isabella, put your phone away before it's confiscated," he exclaimed. "you're already in trouble for breaking multiple rules while on the ski trip and you still can't listen!"

"sorry sir," she sighed as she turned her phone off and looking at him.

"i'll wait to talk to you two," he said, signalling between corbyn and isabella. "now ezra, i'll start with you. why have i been told that you weren't in your room? and who's room were you staying in?"

"i was staying with the girls because we don't get along with nessa, hence why she's snitched on us," ezra explained.

"tell me the truth," he crossed his arms.

"i already snitched them in to whatever my teachers name is, you can tell him," isabella mentioned to the girl beside her.

"fine i stayed with jack and zach. nothing happened though. i don't like either of them like that. like i said, i just didn't want to be with nessa."

"okay now, daniel and bella why did you switch rooms?" he raised a brow.

"because i sleep at corbyn like every night so i wanted to on the trip as well," she defended her friends. "whoever the dumbass is who chose the pairs, clearly didn't think things through."

"like why put kaycee and i and then corbyn and daniel in rooms together, and just hope we wouldn't switch. like you asked for it to happen," isabella continued.

"okay.. now corbyn and isabella why-"

"yes mr. principal we had sex. who cares. that none of your business," she huffed, getting annoyed with him. "now let us just go back to class."

"you three can go back to class," he pointed at the others either side of them. "but you two, corbyn and isabella, you're waiting till your parents arrive."

"alright," isabella responded, picking her phone up. "this is gonna be a long fifteen hours while we wait for my dad to come from england or wherever the fuck he is."

"see you two tomorrow then i guess," ezra said while she stood up. reviving a bye from the two before those three left the principal's office.

"i'll be back once your parents arrive, you better not go anywhere," mr. frazier let them know, then leaving the room as well.

"i guess we're gonna get another week together without school?" isabella said with a small laugh as pulled her legs up on the seat and turned to the side to face corbyn.

"mh i guess so."

"well.. worth it," she shrugged. "at least the trip was fun."

"mom's gonna be fucking pissed," he mumbled slightly as they made eye contact. "anyway.."

"she'll let you smoke and drink but you can't have sex," she let out a small laugh. "mom's the exact opposite. well i can drink.. i think.."

"i don't just talk to my mom about having sex, bella how am i supposed to know," he furrowed. "i think she's just gonna be more upset at the fact i didn't follow school rules."

"come in take a seat," mr. frazier said from behind them, signalling his hand to the seats either side of the two.

their mother's both took a seat next to their child while the principal made his way around his desk, taking a seat as he placed papers down on his desk.

"would you two like to tell your parents or would you like me to?" he looked between the students.

"we had sex on the trip," isabella straight up said, absolutely no hesitation. "and apparently eighteen year olds have their own fuc-"

"isabella marie," her mother cut her off, saying through gritted teeth.

"-ing lives," she added, making sure to get her point across.

"so, because the two couldn't follow the rules that were set for the ski trip. i'm now obligated to take action so they learn from their mistakes and the both of them will be suspended for the next week."

"saying that," he continued. "it will be in school, to make sure both isabella and corbyn are doing at the work that has been set. and in a room away from all the other students.."


the ending a little iffy idk how i was supposed to end it or how to explain a suspension bc i'm a good kid i've have had one

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