001; we could just skip class

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chapter one

third person.

"hey boys," isabella said, receiving a hey in response as sat up on the cafeteria table beside corbyn, looking over at her friends sitting on the table opposite them. 

"and how was class?"

"i spent half the lesson in mr. principals office," she laughed. "because apparently i can't tell the teacher i'm not going to do the homework."

"and was that worth it?" the boy on the other side of her questioned as she looked at him.

"daniel... yeah of fucking course," she said in a duh tone before explaining; "because i wasn't there to learn the work so now i have an excuse to not do the homework."

"you may not be smart academically but you clearly know how to trick people well," jonah added.

"i'm taking that as a compliment. thank you"

"wait bella, have you heard from kaycee?" daniel changed the topic causing her to look at her phone to answer his new question. "she's hasn't replied to my texts."

kaycee and daniel starting dating almost a year ago but she still tends to not bother when it comes to replying to messages, even if they're from him, hence why he hasn't heard from her.

"oh no your girlfriend's ignoring you," she jokingly pouted as he shook his head, wondering why he even bothered asking. "nah, i'm pretty sure she's sick."

"we talking bout kaycee? she's fine. she just has a little cough that she's milking so she didn't have to do her math homework," ezra added, shooing daniel over so she could take a seat beside isabella. "she'll definitely be there tomorrow."

"there tomorro.." zach's words faded out as the group turned their attention to the teacher heading right their way.

"alright," mrs. davis clapped her hands together, coming to a stop in between the group. "off the tables you lot. how many times do you need to be told."

"but miss-"

"corbyn off," she pointed at floor. the boy rolled his eyes as isabella grabbed his hand and pulled him off the table, making him follow the actions of his friends. "thank you."

watching her walk away from them before all getting straight back up on the tables, like they do every other time. most of the teacher at their school didn't mind because it not their area in which they eat.

and since none of the other students had complained about them taking up more space than they needed to, it wasn't a problem. but for some reason mrs. davis decides to stop and call them out every time.

"she's so fucking annoying," corbyn said through a sigh as his arm made its way behind isabella's back and placing his hand on top of hers. she smiled slightly as they made eye contact.

"anyway, what's happening tomorrow? where's this place kaycee's going to be at?" zach continued what he was going to say before they had been interrupted.

"midweek hang out.. at corbyn's," jack reminded him. "like we do literally every week."

since the beginning of junior year the group started hanging out at corbyn's house, it always being on a wednesday so it just became a thing for them. at first it was only every couple weeks then over time as the group started getting their drivers licenses and less reliable on others to take them, it became weekly.

and then with alcohol and weed being included occasionally depending on who else is home, it'll sometimes end up as a night at his place then them all running late to school the next morning.

which most of there parents didn't seem mind a lot of the time because at least they knew they were be responsible when it came to the consumption of said items.

"tomorrow's wednesday already?" he furrowed as the group nodded. "oh i thought it was monday."

"clearly," isabella muttered, leaning back on her hands.

"hey! don't bully me."

"fuck you zachary," she joked back at him. "anyway i don't wanna go to last period," she groaned as she slightly bounced her leg.

corbyn leaned in closer to her, holding his hand up to her ear and whispering; "we could just skip class and go to my place again and you know.."

"corbyn," she replied through a laugh, sitting up properly again with her eyes glued on the girl walking over to them.

"hi baby," nessa stood in front of corbyn wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. "how are you?"

"i'm good," he said, moving slightly away from isabella as he brought his arm from behind her to loosely around nessa's neck.

isabella let out a loud sigh as the two continued talking. "bella," jonah shook his head at the girl as she rolled her eyes, indicating that she was bored.

"jonah," she mocked him before going on her phone, waiting for corbyn to finish up talking with his girlfriend so the two could decide on their plans.

"would you come over tomorrow?" nessa ask, isabella quickly apologising after a small laugh had escaped her mouth.

"i'm busy, we can figure out another day later though, i'll text you," he suggested as he glanced at isabella.

despite being together for a couple months now, nessa has never been invited to one of their midweek hangouts since it was more of a main group thing — and to be completely honest she doesn't even know they done it.

the truth is.. isabella jokingly dared corbyn to play the girl a couple months ago and now the pair are seeing how long it's going to take nessa to realise that he isn't in love with her and never has been.

"thank fuck," she mumbled as the bell had rung, knowing nessa would be gone in the next few seconds since she's never late to class.

and just like she had predicted the girl had said her goodbyes with her boyfriend, leaving the group. followed by everyone beside corbyn and isabella getting off the tables and collecting their belongings as the two talked.

"so what are you two doing?" ezra looked between them. "class or.."

"skipping class?" they made eye contact.

"yea sure," she agreed as they both got off the table.


first chapter yep. i sorta wanted it to be like a background on the characters and their current relationships with each other. but i feel like i could of done better idk i find it kinda hard to write first chapters lol

anyway let's see if i can finish writing the next nhtk chapter with out getting distracted and coming back write chapter 2 of this book

END GAME; 𝖼𝗆𝖻 ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin