016; they already want us together

744 20 17

༉ 📓 ₊ ˚ 🗯 ⋆ ˳ 🔗 ͛ ๑ —
chapter sixteen

third person.

"now follow me in here," mr. frazier said to isabella and corbyn as he walked into his office, slightly turning his computer screen around so the two could see it. "you see this.. security cameras. so at any given moment i can check and make sure you're doing your work. got it?"

"mr. principal man, i just don't understand how putting us in a room and separating us from the rest of the school will teach us not to have sex," isabella furrowed.

"bella. it's mr. frazier not mr. principal man. and stop arguing with me!" he raised his voice in response. "you broke school rules, now you're going to learn how to follow them."


they followed their principal through to the room where they'd be doing their school work for the next week. being seated either side of the room before mr. frazier had left the two in there alone, with the rules that were set and their worksheets.

"soo.. this is fucking bullshit," isabella dropped her pen down on the desk and looked over at corbyn.

"you're telling me," he mumbled in response.

"this is gonna be a longg week," she groaned as she grabbed her phone out of her, despite knowing she's not allowed on it.

and as corbyn sat there at least attempting the work, not wanting the suspension to be any longer than a week, isabella did not care one bit — on her phone, texting her friends and not even looking at the work in front of her.

"babe," she spoke up, zooming her front camera in on the boy as he shook his head at her. "this loser's doing his work," she added with a small laugh, stopping the recording and sending it to her friends.

the time in the room slowly pasted by, and luckily for isabella, mr. frazier had yet to come in and take her phone away. but was unfortunate for corbyn because while he was pretty much sleeping with his head on the table, he had to listen to everything she was telling her friends.

"i'm literally so fucking over this. it's bullshit. like this makes no sense," she complained while recording herself. "like oh we had sex, like yeah lock us in a room together cause that's a great idea. a camera's not gonna stop me from doing anything."

the bell for first break finally signalled, the two both letting out a sigh — both annoyed with the fact it had only been a couple hours and they still had many more.

isabella had turned her phone off as corbyn came over to her, since they're only supposed to talk during breaks. he leant against the table beside her's as they looked at one another.

"you know bella, i've been thinking about it and let's be honest we're not going to date anyone else here.." corbyn raised a brow.

"i don't know bro ezra's quite fine," she responded, dragging out her words. "hot if you will."

"are you talking about for me or you-"

"me. what the fuck. find yourself your own girl, she's mine," she was quick to cut him off. "nah for real though i wouldn't.."

"that's what i'm saying. people are already talking about us so why not?" he shrugged. "and plus they already want us together sooo"

"you into me besson?" she said through a small laugh as she raised a brow.

"are you not.." he hesitantly replied.

"kiss me and we'll find out."

"alright," he lent in closer, using his thumb to lift up her chin and leaving his hand there as he attached his lips on her. 

she placed her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in closer as they lips continued to move in sync.

"no stop," she moved her hand around his neck to his chest and softly pushed him off of her. "cause you make me feel some type of way and i can't do this right now."

"and you're asking if i'm into you," he said with a small chuckle, leaning back against the table as he crossed his arms. "so we dating or.."


"here's the plan.. after we get out of this stupid room. you take ezra, kaycee.. and daniel cause those two won't split up. you take them sit the other side of the cafeteria."

"and we don't talk at all at school, avoid each other for like a couple days, create some drama and make everyone believe that something's happened in here or between the group," he continued to explain. "then i'll just come up to you one day and make out."

"sure. that sounds like an amazing plan.." she sarcastically responded, not really caring about said plan. "couldn't we just make out instead of this like fake drama bullshit."

"nah you gotta lead everyone on," he shook his head. "us just made out is like expected at this point. but.. us "fighting" isn't. because when in the last two years have we had a fight? never. exactly."

"we get out of here and then have like two days of school before winter break but sure bro," she picked her phone back up.

"bell i'm just tryna make things fun. if you're not into me just stay. but we both know the only reason you make me date nessa was because you wanted to lose feeling for me."

"i like you okay. shut up. fucking date me or don't i don't care. not like things between us are gonna change," she rambled. "corbyn, we're pretty much already dating, you don't even need to ask."


i didn't proof read. what's new

oh also i changed the emojis. i just feel like these ones are more suited to the book also bc i was procrastinating lol

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