005; let's go get a drink

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༉ 📓 ₊ ˚ 🗯 ⋆ ˳ 🔗 ͛ ๑ —
chapter five

third person.

"alright mofos we made it," isabella reached up and wrapped her arms around corbyn's neck from behind as him.

"ow bella," he titled his backward so she wasn't chocking him also grabbing one of her arms and taking it off himself with his free hand. "fuckin' hell."

she let out a laugh as she let go of him and moved beside him. he put his arm around her shoulder as the group continued talking.

the group decided to spend their friday evening at a fellow student's house party. the five boys had already been there for half an hour and hanging out in the backyard when the girls had finally shown up.

"yo share," isabella reached over towards jack as he passed her the joint. "thanks bro," she blew out the smoke, looking up at corbyn's face as she held it front of his mouth.

he passed his red solo cup over into his other hand that was around her shoulder before grabbing to joint from her.

"oh look at this," she unlocked her phone, finding the message she received from nessa the previous night, that she had just remember about.

corbyn read over the message, shaking his head. "stop stirring her," he jokingly push the girl beside him.

"what's that?"

"funking nessa, stop messing with my relationship, corbyn loves me" she mocked the message as she passed her phone over to ezra, sitting down on outdoor seating area a cross from them with a couple of the boys.

"she's literally mad cause i just added her back on snapchat and she's gone all detective and worked out the place i took a selfie, is the same place corbyn does. like the fuck?" she continued to complain.

"she's fucking obsessed with him. like to the point where it's weird and stalker-ish," isabella kept ranting about the girl she dared corbyn to date. "also i don't even know where she got my phone number."

"come on, let's go get a drink," corbyn said hoping that'll calm her down. leading her off to inside the house, leaving the others sitting there.

ezra stared at her friends phone for a second. "y'all wanna see something on here," she swiped off the messages app and onto her lockscreen, showing that it was of isabella and corbyn.

"i'm honestly not surprised," jack said with a small laugh.

"ew that's gross," zach had a look at the phone as ezra furrowed her brows at him while turning off the phone. "what? she straight up licking his face."

"but that's not the pointt," she groaned, shaking her head. "y'all are just as clueless as nessa sometimes."

"things are so obvious in front of your faces," kaycee added. "and you boys just sit here looking right over, thinking yeah, that's completely normal."

"what do you mean?"

"she-" ezra cut herself off as the two of the moment came back over to the group. "bella," she passed the girl's phone to her, in which she shoved in corbyn's pocket.

isabella giving him her phone while out was a normal thing for the two since dresses don't have pockets and then she wouldn't lose it, plus it would also stop her from sending any risky messages later in the night once the alcohol had taken effect.

"you drinking tonight jack?" she looked over at the boy as he blew out the smoke from his mouth.

"nah, i need to stop crossfading it fucks with me too much," he explained, hold the joint out for her.

"ugh you're being boring tonight."

"did you want the last of this or not?" he continued to hold it out for her.

"oh, yeah," she grabbed it from him, almost spilling her drink as she done so. putting the joint in her mouth and smoking the last of it before disposing of it on the ground. "wait i'm staying at your place right.." she looked at corbyn.

"yeah you're always welcome over," he moved his arm from around her shoulder to around her waist as he pulling her in front of himself.

he wrapped both arms around her waist, still holding his drink in one hand, and placing his head on top of hers. isabella knocked his head off hers once she had lifted hers up to look at him.

exchanging a smile with him as they made eye contact. "aw bro i wanna kiss you so bad right now," she mumbled biting down on her lips as she looked back at the rest of the group.

corbyn placed his cup down on the little ledge beside them before spinning her around and attaching his lips onto her only for a few seconds as they friends watched them, confused.

as they pulled away and reconnected their eyes, they shared smiled with each other. "i needed that," he whispered with a small laugh.

"what the fuck," jonah awkwardly furrowed at the two as isabella turned back around to face the group.

she titled her head as he signalled his hand between the two. "what? friends can kiss," she shrugged.


"and i thought you were joking other day went you were going to kiss him," daniel added.

"woah, woah, woah," zach exclaimed, the realisation of what they just watched finally sinking it for him. "so do i get my money or..?"

isabella let out a small laugh at the boy, "awh you're so fucking funny zach. care about one thing and one thing only, it's so cute."

"he still has a girlfriend zach," jack mentioned.

"yeah but-"

"stop it!" ezra cut him off, holding her hands up in front of the two boys either side of her.

"don't worry i still want my money too," jack said, ignoring ezra's requests of being quiet.

"speaking of.." jonah looked over to where the pair were again, then back at the rest of the group. "where did they go? how did they just sneak off so easily."

"ooh would you looked at that.. they do more then just kissing," ezra pulled her legs up onto the chair as the boys all slightly gasped since they hadn't picked up on the what she was hinting at earlier.

"we're so dumb," jack said as ezra and kaycee let out a small laugh each.

"now you've realised that.."


a little get to know the dynamic (is that the right word idk words aren't really my thing) of the two and the group

also how we feeling about this new chapter layout? i just felt like it was too plain considering all my other books had emojis and stuff so now we on something something some we on something different lmao

anyway i've got things to do and still gotta edit the rest but that can wait till later so don't mind that right now

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