042; you didn't deserve to be

Start from the beginning

"it's not though," he ran his fingers through her hair. "he treated you badly, bell, and you didn't deserve to be put through that."

"let's just go," she pushed out of his arms, not wanting to talk about the situation he was mentioning.

arriving at the hospital, the two made their way from the reception desk to the room isabella's mother was in. corbyn gave jenny as soft 'hi' while for isabella she just sat down on the seat not saying anything.

"hey," jenny responded, slightly adjusting how she was seated so she was more comfortable.

isabella's breath slowly started quickening as she looked from her mothers wrapped up ankle to her face. "what did he do?" she said sounding a little demanding.

"isabella.." she cut herself off as the police officer who was previously in there before the teens showing up, walked back in the room. "isabella, this is sarah, i need you to talk to her. i'll explain what happened to me later."

"why?!" she furrowed.

"is this your daughter?" sarah questioned jenny as she took a seat, receiving a nod. "isabella i-"

"it's bella," isabella interrupted her while her eyes were glued on the police officer and her actions.

"sorry bella, i was speaking to your mother earlier about the situation at home and was wondering if you have anything to share," she explained. "also sir, may you please step out of the room, some-"

"no, he's staying," isabella sternly spoke up.

"okay, if you're comfortable with him staying then he can," sarah replied. "now bella, is there anything your stepdad has ever done to hurt you?"

"no," she mumbled, bringing her legs up onto the chair and avoid eye contact.

"bella" corbyn looked at her confused.

"even if it wasn't recently," the officer added, slightly tilting her head.

"he fucking touched me," she mumbled while shrugging. "is it that big of a deal?"

"how did he touch you?" sarah asked.

"i don't know."

"how old were you?"

"i don't know," she repeated, this time raising her voice slightly since she didn't stop questioning after her first response.

"bella you do know.." corbyn reminded her since he wanted her to tell the officer even though she didn't really want to.

"was it in a sexual way?"

"maybe it was but it only made me want sex more," she lightly threw her hands in air. "so i don't see why it's a big deal. i don't want to talk  about it," she added while she stood up.

"bella," corbyn whispered as he stood up and wrapped his arm around her waist, stopping her from leaving the room. "if anything she should be the person you tell because she can actually do something.."

"i don't want to talk about it!" she repeated while shoving his arm off of herself. "there are other people who are more important than me."

"bella, this is just as important even if it's not as traumatic.." sarah mentioned, watching the girl leave the room and not even take a second to acknowledge what the officer said.

corbyn softly shook his head and let out a sigh as he sat back down. "she was fifteen and it happened three times that i know of.." he explained.

"sorry, sir who are you?" sarah looked at him confused, after jotting it down on her notepad. "and what relation do you have to bella and jenny?"

"oh, i'm corbyn, bella and i are dating."

"i believe he knows a lot more then i do," jenny chimed in.

sarah nodded and turned back to the boy, followed by asking him a series of questions revolving what isabella had told him in the past which he answered as best as he could recall.

only to be interrupted by isabella around ten minutes after she had left, she came in and begged — more demanded corbyn to leave while she hadn't said a word sarah or her mother.

after receiving the okay from sarah which went unnoticed to isabella, corbyn said a small 'bye' to both her and jenny before following isabella out of the room.


so now everyone knows why she doesn't like her stepdad..

also i hope that this didn't trigger anyone, if it did i'm so so sorry, i tried my best to keep it as vague as possible. and i'm always here if anyone wants to talk <3

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