From kitchen

Cabir: Guys if you don't want to come then I will finish everything.

Dhruv: Baate baadme karenge or else he will seriously eat everything.

They laughed and went in dining room. As soon as they entered they saw Cabir stuffing his mouth with food. After that they started their breakfast.

Alia: Manik what time do we have to catch flight?

Manik: We are going by our private jet so everyone be ready by 6 in morning.

Nandini: Can you please tell me now where are we going?

Manik: Surprise baby surprise.

Mukti: Ok I will give you a hint.... You wanted to visit this place from long time.

Nandini: What kind of hint is this? You all know that there are many places which I want to visit one day. This is cheating.

She saw that Cabir was busy with his food.

Nandini: (in sugar-coated voice) Bhaiiiiiiiiii.

Nandini: (in sugar-coated voice) Bhaiiiiiiiiii

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

He choked his food and started coughing.

Cabir: Don't even think behena I am not going to tell anyone or else everyone over here will roast me and eat for dinner.

Nandini: (showing puppy eyes) Pleaseeeeeee pretty pleaseeeeee.

Cabir: Guys I am done me ja rha hu. (He ran from there)

Everyone started laughing while Nandini turned towards Abhi.

Nandini: Bhaiyuuuuu....

Abhi: Guys I remembered I have patients to attend bye bye.

Even he ran from there. One by one everyone left except Manan.

Nandini: (pouts) You all are bad.... No one is telling me where we are going.... That's not fair.

Manik: Ohh hello drama queen stop your drama.... No one is going to fall for your drama this time..... Surprise is surprise. Now complete this fast I have some work to do and then we have to start packing our bags.

After finishing breakfast they both went in their room.

Manik: Bacha give me 1 hr I will finish my work soon then we will spend time together.

Nandini: Not a min more then 1 hr do you get that? (He nodded) Dadda can I go in garden? I will get bored over here and I don't want to watch cartoon.

Manik: Ok but don't spend more time under sun and don't run here and there. Take your water bottle with you.

She nodded her head and pecked his cheeks before going.

In Garden. ( Nandini's POV)

My babies I missed you all.... You all grown up so fast.... You must have missed me but what can I do I was a bit busy.... You know we all are going for a trip but no one is telling me the place
(sad pout).... Everyone is busy in their work even Dadda is doing his work ... Huh he is always working.... Work is more important for him than his baby

Manan: Baby loveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat