Chapter 85

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As Manik and Nandini embarked on the car ride home, Nandini's playful and mischievous side started to emerge, fueled by the effects of alcohol. She couldn't resist teasing Manik, who was driving with a mix of concern and amusement.

Nandini: (giggling) Oh, mister, you look so serious behind the wheel. Lighten up a little!

Manik: Nandini, please behave. You're drunk, and we need to get you home safely.

Nandini: (pouting) But where's the fun in that, mister? We should have some adventure!

She leaned forward and tried to change the radio station, causing Manik to swat her hand away gently.

Manik: No distractions, Nandini. We're already running late.

Nandini: (restless) Fine, but I'm bored. Can we play a game or something?

Manik: (smiling) Alright, how about we play dead body game? The person who moves first is the loser.

Nandini: (excited) Yes, let's do it!

The minutes ticked by, and the car journey became increasingly silent. Nandini's restlessness grew, and she found it challenging to stay completely still. Her fingers twitched, and she fought the temptation to fidget. Manik, on the other hand, maintained his focus on the road without any disturbance.

Five minutes had passed, and they were almost home, but Nandini was becoming increasingly bored. She no longer wanted to continue playing the game, so she cautiously opened one eye. To her shock, she realized that Manik was not following the rules and had been cheating all along.

Nandini: (shouts) YOU CHEATER!!! You cheated! I will complain to Dadda.

Manik: (in mind) Oh God, please help me... Cabir, this is all because of you.

Nandini: You are such a bad player. I won't play with you ever again, Manik!

Manik: Nandini, be quiet.

Nandini: No, you--

Manik: I said be quiet, which means not a word should be heard from your mouth now.

Nandini made a displeased face but remained silent for the rest of the ride.

As Manik and Nandini reached home, Cabir following behind, the others were waiting for them. However, as soon as they saw Nandini's flushed face and slightly unsteady walk, they could tell that something was amiss.

Navya: (concerned) Hey, what's going on? Is everything alright?

Manik: (trying to hide the situation) Yeah, everything's fine. Nandini just got a bit tired during the ride, that's all.

Mukti: (noticing Nandini's behavior) Tired? She looks more like she's had a few drinks!

Aliya: (surprised) Drinks?

Nandini: (giggling) Yesss, I did, but it's a secret. Mister, aren't we fun?

Manik: (trying to control the situation) Nandini, please, let's go to our room. You need some rest.

Nandini: (playfully) Oh no, I'm not sleepy at all! Let's party!

Dhruv: (worried) Manik, she seems quite drunk. What happened?

Manik: (hesitatingly) Well, she accidentally drank some vodka.

Everyone: (shocked) Vodka?!

Manik: Yes, but it was a mistake. Cabir and Nandini went out, and she got thirsty. Cabir went to the supermarket, and she must have picked up the wrong can.

Cabir: (feeling guilty) I should have been more careful.

Aliya: Alright, let's not blame anyone now. We need to take care of Nandini.

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