Chapter 28

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10 years later

Manik's POV

Time passes so fast. I am already 33 years. My baby is gonna be 18 today. Well you must be thinking how we know her birthdate... So we always celebrate her birthday on the day she met us. She is still that naughty innocent baby. She just lighten ups this house with her smile. She has grown up as a very beautiful lady I just cant take my eyes off her... You must be wondering where is she.... We all actually spent the whole morning at our farmhouse but then the girls said that as its her birthday they need some pampering So she went with her Dis in beauty saloon... Well its our plan to get her ready for the surprise party and we boys here are preparing everything for her birthday. I have actually thought to officially propose her today and make her my official girlfriend. Everyone knows about my plan except her. As soon as she comes she is going to get her surprise. Its just going to be us in this party so there's no problem.

Our friends got married 3 years back. Yes even Cabir and Navya got married. 5 years back Navya got into a small accident which scared the shit out of Cabir. That's when he realised his love and after that they came in relation. But they are still those bickering couples. After their marriage they all decided that they will not have children as Nandini will always be their only child. Nandini doesn't love sharing us with anyone. She is over possessive for us. Thats enough for today if I kept on talking others are going to jump on me for not doing any work.

POV ends

Everyone in the house was running from her and there for preparation. They wanted everything to be perfect after all it was their baby sister's birthday.

After 4 hours everything was done even the girls had finish everything and were heading towards home. Mukti texted Manik to be ready as they will be there in 15 min. They switched off all the lights and others hide themselves nearby.

After 15 min they could hear the car horn. Nandini opened the door and saw lights off.

Nandini: Why is it so dark here? Where are the boys? (when she turned around she saw that even the girls were missing) Hello We are back.... Dadda I am back where you?

Soon the spotlight falls on Nandini second spotlight falls on Manik. Manik slowly started walking towards her. He standing in front of her and holds her hands.

Manik: You look breathtakingly beautiful. (she blushed) I just can't take my eyes off you. (he sat on one knee) The more I look at you the more I feel myself to be lucky to have such a beautiful lady in my life... The moment I first saw you I liked you... The moment I first hold you I knew you are mine just mine.... I fell so hard for you that I cant imagine myself without you... You have became my reason to smile, reason to wake up everyday, reason to live. I want to be the only one in your life to love you to pamper you to spoil you... I want to be the reason for you smile.... I LOVE YOU..... WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?

He opened a box with a ring inside it.

Manik: This is a promise ring.... I promise you to protect you to love you to be with you my whole life.

Nandini was in tears by now. She never expect him to propose her. The things he said touched her heart. Tears were flowing continuously from her eyes. She sat on her knees she cupped his face.

Nandini: I cant believe I can be so lucky. You gave me a life, a family, love everything I needed. You never let me feel absence of my parents. You took a responsibility of a new born child when you yourself was a kid. You have put me as your first priority.... Today even I promise you I will always love you.... I will always stay beside you... Manan is forever.... I love you and always will.

Manan: Baby loveWhere stories live. Discover now