Chapter 58

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Once everyone went to their respective room Cabir thought to check on Manik so he headed towards the guest room. He knocked on the door but got no response so he opened the door and entered inside but was shocked seeing the condition of the room. The glass table on the corner is now completely shattered, all the showpiece kept for decoration are now completely destroyed and there Manik was sitting on the ground looking at his bloodied hand with anger. Cabir carefully went and sat beside him.

Cabir: Manik what have you done? And why is your hand bleeding?

Manik: (chuckles) If I made a mistake I deserve a punishment too Cabir.

Cabir: Mistake? Punishment? What are you saying?

Manik: Cabir I failed as a father.

Cabir: (in disbelief) Manik?

Manik: No Cabir don't... I failed in raising Nandini... I did everything I could. I gave her everything I could but I couldn't teach her what's right and what's wrong... I couldn't teach her that when people say no to something it means no and she should listen to it instead of arguing with them.

Cabir: Manik how can you question your upbringing? A 15 year old boy who himself was a kid raised a new born baby without even a second thought. Manik we all know that sometimes we used to spoil Nandini but you never fulfilled her wrong wishes or gave in when she threw tantrums. You have made her what she is today and if you question your upbringing then you are an idiot.

Manik:(sighs) I slapped her today Cabir... I just couldn't control myself when I heard what happened today.

Cabir: If you feel guilty then why did you do lock her in the room? Why don't you just forget everything and just hug her? Is it that difficult?

Manik: No.

Cabir: Manik for god sake keep your ego and anger on side and just talk to her she needs you right now.

Manik: You think I am enjoying her state right? Well let me tell you not I am not. Seeing her like that is killing me from inside. You all might be thinking I am an idiot, stupid, jerk, bastard and what not. But let me tell you I don't mind if you all think such things.

Cabir: No one is calling you such names Manik... I am saying that if you can't see her like that then why don't you just let go everything.

Manik: Because I can't... I can't keep on forgetting and forgiving her every mistakes. Cabir before being her boyfriend don't forget I am also her guardian, her parent I have raised her and its my duty to punish her if she does any mistake. It's my responsibility to teach her if she is wrong. She needs to learn that every thing every demand have their own consequences. In future even after getting married if she does the same mistake I won't think before punishing her because I am her father first then her boyfriend or husband. You just know that I love Nandini like hell or more than my life but for me the love I have for her I more than anything I can ever express. One scratch on her can make me go insane then just think Cabir if anything would have happened to her today what would I feel. Few months back when she took the bullet for me you saw me broken but what I was feeling inside what more then broken. It was very difficult for me to even breathe when I knew she herself was struggling to breathe, each and every part of my body was screaming in pain because she was going through that pain and trust me Cabir I can't go through that again... (he broke down in tears) I can't...(sobs) I am not strong enough to see her in that condition again.. (sobs) and its scares me when she keep on doing things which puts her life in danger.

Seeing him so broken even Cabir's eyes moistened and he hugged him.

Cabir: You are strong Manik.. You are more than strong. No one is ever going to snatch Nandini from you, hmm. I am sorry I couldn't understand you point of view and got angry. Now stop crying see Nandini is fine nothing happened to her and we will not let anything happen to her ever, hai na?

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