Chapter 7

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Next morning Manik woke up early and got ready for the day as they had an appointment with the doctor today. After completing his morning routine even Nandini woke up. He went towards her and pick her from the bed.

Manik: Good morning bacha. I hope you slept well. Chalo lets get you ready we have to visit doctor's office today.

After getting her ready he went downstairs were everyone was waiting for them. When they saw Manik and Nandu coming towards living room everyone rush towards them and Cabir took Nandini from him.

Cabir: Good morning behena. Kaise ho ap? Did you sleep well? You must have missed your Cabir bhai na.

Navya: Cabir even we want to play with her. Give her to me.

Cabir: No she is telling me that she wants to play with me.

Mukti: Cabir she cant even talk so how can she say this to you.

Cabir: Telepathy Mukti Telepathy. (and they starterd bickering)

Manik: Guys stop it. Everyone have their breakfast first. Cabir Navya after breakfast we have to visit doctor dont you remember.

They nodded their head and went towards dinning table.

Time Skips 

After finishing breakfast 4 of them settled in the car and headed towards the clinic .After reaching over there they went towards reception area.

Manik: We have an appointment with the doctor.

Reception: Can you please tell me the name of the patient?

Manik: Nandini.Manik.Malhotra.

(She typed the name in her computer)

Reception: Sir you will have to wait for 5 minutes. I will call your name.

He nodded his head and thanked her. They headed towards waiting area and played with her till the time they were called. After 5 min nurse called them and they went inside.

Doctor: Good morning bacho. How may I help you?'

Manik: Dr she is Nandini. We came here for her checkup. She is very weak and even doesnt have her food properly.

Dr: Ok but can you tell me who she is to you guys?

Cabir knew Manik will get angry by this question so he answered

Cabir: She is my sister. Can you please check her now.

He nodded his head and told them to lay her on the bed. As Manik laid her down she started crying as she was missing his warmth.

Dr: You sit on the bed and hold her for me.

He did what the dr said and dr started checking Nandini. But the next thing that he said shocked Manik.

Dr: As for now she is completely fine but I can see she is underweight and weak. I suggest you a blood test and after that we can discuss the treatment.

Listening to the word 'blood test' they got shocked.

Navya: Blood test?

Dr: Yes because we can get a proper idea and treat her in a better way.

Manik: But it will hurt her. She is just a week. She is so small for that thing. No I dont allow you to preform any test.

Dr: I understand what you feel young man but its important otherwise she may fall sick afterwards and I guess you dont want that.

Cabir: Manik dr is right. Let him continue.

Manik: Cabir it will hurt her. She will start crying.

Cabir: I know but we cant see her getting sick afterwards. Dont worry will calm her down later.

Unwilling he agreed with them and Dr informed the nurse to prepare the things. Nurse went outside the room and within few min brought everything in the medical tray and went towards them.

Nurse: Sir give her hand and please hold her hand.

Manik did what he was asked to do. Nurse cleaned her hand with alcohol and inserted the needle. Feeling the pain Nandini started to cry very badly. After the test was done Manik immediately picked her and patted her back in order to stop her cries. After 15min finally she stopped crying and slept in his arms.

Dr: Ok Manik the reports will be out by evening. I will call you and discuss the futher treatment on phone. For now take proper care of her diet and take this cream apply it on her hand it will reduce the pain.

He nodded and they left for their home.

Inside the car:

Navya: Manik give her to me I will hold her for sometime you must be tired.

Manik: No I am not giving her to anyone. She is tired she needs rest. Look at her hand its red it must have hurted alot.

Cabir: Manik even we cant see her crying but it was needed and dr even gave you cream apply it afterwards.

Rest of the ride was silent. When they reached home everyone was waiting for them in the living area. When they saw them come they rushed towards them and started questioning.

Mukti: Guys everything is fine na?

Alia: Ha what did dr said?

Abhi: There's nothing to worry right? Why are you guys not saying anything?

Dhurv: Guys let them speak first.

Cabir: Thank you Dhruv and for your question everything is fine. There's nothing to worry. Its just that she is weak so we have to take extra care.

Meanwhile Alia noticed her hand and asked

Alia: What happened to her hand? Why is it so red?

Navya: Actually dr suggested a blood test. So because of that.

Mukti: What? Blood test? It must have pain alot.

Manik: Hmmm.... She was crying for 15 min but now she is fine. She got tired from all this crying and slept. Guys I am going in our room I want to take some rest.

He went towards their room and laid Nandini on bed and went inside the closet to change his clothes. After wearing something comfortable he applied the cream on her hand and laid beside her and slept.

Time skip

It was evening time everyone was chilling together playing with Nandini. Even she was happy by the attention she was getting that's when manik phone started ringing. 

Manik: Guys I need to take this call. Take care of Nandu. (saying this he went a little far and received his call)

??: Hello am I speaking to Mr. Manik. Malhotra.

Manik: Yes, who's this?

??: Actually I am calling from xxx clinic. The reports are out now so I wanted to discuss it with you. Are you free right now?

Manik: Yes dr I am free. Is everything alright?

Dr: There's nothing to worry. Everything is fine but the baby is very weak and sensitive. She might get sick very often so you need to be careful. Her Immunity is not that strong. She needs proper nutrients.

Manik: Dr I wanted to ask you something? Is there any way I can produce milk?

Dr: There is one medicine which you need to consume half an hour before feeding the baby. But are you sure you want to do this? 

Manik: Yes dr I am sure. I have no problem. Just send me the name of that medicine.

With that he ended the called and went towards living area where everyone were present.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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