Chapter 96

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Hello everyone,

I'm back with another chapter, and I want to express my deepest gratitude for all the heartfelt wishes and condolences you've extended to me during what was a challenging time. I am doing better now. Thank you all for your kindness.


Everyone looks at Cabir, who blankly stares at the screen.

Dhruv: Cabir, what happened? Why aren't you picking up the call?

Cabir: (stammering) It's... It's Manik.

Saying this, he shows his phone screen to the others.

Cabir: What do I tell him?

Alia: If Manik finds out about Nandini like this, he'll be furious.

Mukti: But we can't keep it from him. If he learns from someone else, he'll be even angrier.

Navya: (placing her hand on Cabir's shoulder) Answer the call and tell him the truth.

Taking a deep breath, Cabir presses the answer button on the screen.

On the call:

Cabir: (hesitant) Hello?

Manik: (concerned) Hey, Cabir. Is everything alright? I've been trying to reach Nandini, but she's not answering her phone.

Cabir: (voice trembling) Manik, listen, there's been an emergency. Nandini... she's in the hospital.

Manik: (alarmed) What? What happened to her? Is she okay?

Cabir: We're not sure yet. It happened so suddenly. Abhi's with her now.

Manik: (frustrated) Why didn't anyone tell me earlier?

Cabir: We were trying to figure things out, Manik. We didn't want to worry you until we had more information.

Manik: (sighing) Okay, where are you guys? I'm coming there right now.

Cabir: (confused) How can you come right now? You're in London, aren't you?

Manik: I landed in Mumbai an hour ago. I was planning to surprise you all, but then no one was picking up my calls.

Cabir: (shocked) Manik, you're here in Mumbai?

Manik: (determined) Yes, I am. And I'm heading straight to the hospital. Which one are you at?

Cabir quickly shares the name and location of the hospital with Manik.

Cabir: (anxiously) Please, hurry.

Manik: (firmly) I'll be there as soon as I can.

With that, Manik hangs up, his mind racing with worry for Nandini.

Inside the hospital room, Abhi remained focused on monitoring Nandini's condition as the medical team worked swiftly to stabilize her. The tension outside was palpable, with the group anxiously awaiting any news.

Finally, Abhi emerged from the emergency room, and the group rushed towards him, their faces etched with worry.

Abhi: (addressing the group) She's stable now. We've given her the necessary treatment, but she needs rest.

Cabir: (relieved) Can we go in and see her?

Abhi: Yes, but just briefly. She needs quiet and rest.

Inside the room, the group gathered around Nandini's hospital bed. Their relief faded into concern as they took in her pale, exhausted appearance. Abhi observed them, anticipating the questions about what had transpired.

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