Kya/Lin Beifong - Tires

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AN: Not a fxf

You kept your head down with your hands in your pocket as patrol passed by you

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You kept your head down with your hands in your pocket as patrol passed by you. Thankfully, they didn't notice you. As they disappear down the corner, you make quick work of trying to grab anything valuable from the Satomobile. When there wasn't anything else you could grab, you quickly looked over what you had gotten to see how much what you could earn.

With everything combined, it wouldn't be enough to feed you for a day. It was pointless to even take them. You drop the stuff to make a quick exit when you spot a toolkit in the trunk. Official Satomobile toolkits were rare as they were only given to cops so they could make quick repairs. Cops were trained to make repairs so they won't have to wait months to wait for a vehicle since they were only repaired at the factory. The toolkit would be enough to feed you for several weeks.

Unable to think about the consequences of stealing from a cop, you quickly grab the toolkit and make a run for it.

"Hey! Come back here!" You don't look back as you push yourself to run faster. Unfortunately your legs could only go so fast compared to an adult. The woman quickly catches up to you, grabbing your arm and turning you around. Your hood must've fallen back to reveal your face as she gasps when she realizes that you were just a child. "What were you doing stealing from my car? Stealing is wrong. Didn't your parents teach you anything? I'm taking you to the station so we can contact your parents."

Scared about what was going to happen when she finds out you had no parents, you start to cry. The last thing you wanted was to go back to the orphanage.

"Please miss, don't make me go back. I don't want to go back."

Hearing your please made Lin stop. She had only heard that scared tone from kids whenever they had been abused. She hated to think what you must've gone through to be out in the streets and stealing. She stops walking and kneels down to be at your eye level.

"I'm not going to make you go back, alright? Stop crying." She winces as she just makes you cry harder. Kya was always the one better with kids. Other officers had to step in whenever they usually dealt with cases like this because Lin just wasn't good with dealing with kids. "Okay, okay. Just take deep breaths with me. It'll be okay. I'm going to take you back to my place, okay?"

Your tears subside as you nod. She gives you a smile and leads you back to her place while holding on to your hand just so you wouldn't run away.


Kya was sick with worry as Lin had just run out. The only thing that Lin had told her was the someone was stealing her car before taking off. She's relieved to see Lin's okay but is confused when she spots you.

"Lin, please tell me that child wasn't stealing." Lin slowly nods, making Kya rush to you. She kneels to be at eye level with you and wipes away your tears. "You're okay. Come on. Lets get you into a nice warm bath and some new clothes. It'll make you feel better."

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