You/Azula - Accident

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Azula had always been so careful in her training

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Azula had always been so careful in her training. She trained to be precise but she had lost control. Seeing her brother after the betrayal of her friends made her lose her mind. She was furious about what he had caused and she wanted him to pay. Especially now that he wanted to claim the throne after being banished.

"It's just you and me brother. Agni Kai!"

"You're on!"


You stopped in your tracks when you noticed the bright blue and orange fire on the reflection of a window. That could only mean Azula was fighting. The two of you just had just been in a fight but you didn't want to leave her alone. Azula's always protected you and you were going to do the same.

Turning back around, you ran back to the palace as fast as you could.


"Father gave me the title of Fire Lord! It's mine! You have no right, Zuko!"

She screamed at him, as she kept throwing balls of fire at him while he ran. She should've known that he would try to win by cheating. He wasn't strong enough to beat her, she could bend lighting. With one strike, he would be done.

"You're going to destroy the nation, just like father! I want it to prosper!"

"Father banished you! You're no longer part of this nation! I'm ending this once and for all."

Standing in the middle of the courtyard, she begins to make the motions to produce lighting. Not wanting to give him a chance to counterattack, she quickly strikes him. The lightning should've killed him instantly but it simply knocks him down. Annoyed, she decides to focus on Katara. Zuko would have to retreat if she was gravely injured.

Again, she quickly produces lightning and points her fingers at Katara.


Azula's eyes widened in horror as you managed to get in between her and Katara. Rather than the lightning striking its intended target, it hits you. The force of the strike manages to knock you back against a pillar with a sickening crack. Forgetting about the fight, Azula rushes to your aid.

"(y/n)! (y/n)! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Azula checked your pulse and it was barely beating. She turns to Katara, now desperate for her to help you. "Please! You need to help her! I'll step down! I'll do whatever you want, just please help her!"

Katara nods and gets to work, dumping all her water over you to begin the healing process.


You woke up by the sounds of someone screaming. You couldn't quite make out what they were saying as it sounded like you were underwater.

"I need to see her! I need to be by her side when she wakes up!"

"Azula, she's in a coma. The healers don't know when she'll wake up. We need to wait."

"I'll burn this entire hospital and its staff if I'm not taken to her room."

Zuko has no choice but to give in to her demands. He knew Azula would actually do it and the last thing he wanted was another disaster. At least if he complied with her wishes, he wouldn't have her breathing down his neck for every decision.

"Alright but please listen to the doctor. If they tell you to leave, you..."

He sighs as Azula ignores him and rushes to your room. At least she didn't want to kill him and that's all he could ask for.


Azula arrived to find you with pain, frustration, and confusion written all over your face.

"What the fuck did you do!"

She yelled at the doctor, thinking he was responsible.

"I..I didn't do anything! She just woke up, she's confused."

Azula turns to face you, finding that you were just staring at her.

"I'm sorry. I thought he hurt you." She frowns as you don't respond. "He didn't do anything, right?" Again, you don't respond. "Right. You probably hate me after what happened...."

"Forgive me for interrupting, Princess Azula, but she can't hear what you're saying."

Azula nearly best whiplash with how fast she turns around to face him.


She hisses at him.

"I believe the lightning strike ruptured her ear drums. I've yet to access the damage of the lighting strike but I'm inclined to believe she's also paralyzed from the waist down."

"No. That's not possible. I hit Zuko with lighting and he's unfortunately fine." She shakes her head and makes her way over to the side of your bed. "He's lying, right? You're ok?"


You tell her, trying to read what her lips were saying.

"The doctor. He's lying."

Azula repeats, talking slower.

You furrow your brows, trying to figure out what she could be talking about. Your head was already starting to hurt after the doctor had just told you. Struggling to understand Azula was making it worse.

"I don't understand."

The doctor hands Azula his clipboard and pen.

"Use this. I'll be back in a little."

With him gone, Azula quickly writes what she had asked you. You quickly read it and shake your head. Taking her pen, you write out your response since you didn't want to worry about how loud you were.

'No, he's not lying. But it's okay. It was an accident."

Tears start to form in Azula's eyes as she reads your confirmation. The last thing she ever wanted to do was cause you pain. You were the one who was always there for her.

"I'm sorry, I..."

You give her a small smile, wiping the tears that had spilled from her cheeks.

"I'll be okay."


Azula would pretend to act like her old self but when no one was watching, she let her tears fall. She had done terrible things under the command of her father but that didn't phase her. What killed her was that you would still give her the same smile and kisses as if she didn't permanently wound you.


All characters are 18+   

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing   

Lin Beifong - Forbidden

Toph Beifong/Katara - Injured

Korra/Asami Sato - MoveIn

Jinora - Wrong

Kya/Lin Beifong - Tires //family

Kyoshi/Rangi - Freak

Eska - Surprise

Lin Beifong - Arguments

Ming-Hua - Reformed

Lin Beifong - Work Trip

Toph Beifong - Reveals

Kuvira - Rivals

Asami Sato - Missing

Kya - Difference

Azula - Fight

Korra - Safe

Lin Beifong - Angel //friend


Avatar: The Last Airbender/LoK (FxF) Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now