You/Kya - Healing

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You had been doing so well

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You had been doing so well. All that took was a few words from Katara and your mind brought you back to the memory that you had tried so hard to bury. You froze in your spot when you believed to be back in your old house.

"You're pretty fucking pathetic. You really think that they'll believe you?" The man gets closer to you but you don't move despite how scared you were. "I'll just explain how clumsy you were and they'll eat it up. Thank you by the way. With how often you went to the healers with your injuries, they labeled you as clumsy."

He laughs again and reaches to grab your throat. Before he could reach you, you scream and start to attack. However, he doesn't attempt to attack back but instead protects himself. You hesitate for a second to continue attacking and that's all he needs to pull you into a tight hug. You struggle in his arms, screaming for him to let you go but it doesn't work. Instead he keeps saying your name over and over again until his voice disappears and it's replaced by Kya's. Your brought back to reality when you realize you're not back with him and instead you're with Katara and Kya.

"It's okay, (y/n). You're safe. He's gone."

With her soothing voice, you eventually calm down. She steps back to give you space to breathe.

"Kya, I...." You trail off when you notice the blood coming out from a wound that you know she received when you were attacking 'him.' "I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I need to go!"

You grab your cane and rush out of the room before they could stop you. Kya attempted to chase after you but Katara stopped her.

"Give her space, Kya."

"But mom, she can't be alone right now. You saw what just happened."

"I did and she needs space. You saw how she reacted when she realized that she hurt you. Just give her some time."

Kya sighs and nods. Her mother was always right and she hoped that this time wasn't the exception.


Kya was tired of waiting for you to come around. It had been a few days since the accident and you still had yet to show up for therapy.

"I'm going to see her. (y/n) can't be alone. I don't know why I let you make me wait."

"Kya, she needs time."

Kya just walks out without a word. Katara wanted to stop her but she knew how stubborn her daughter could be. All she could was wait and hope that everything would be okay.


You slowly make your way to the front door when someone knocks. You weren't expecting anyone but you had an idea about who could it be.

"I've been worried sick, (y/n)! You just disappeared after what happened."

Kya made her way inside your house as she went on and on about how worried she had been. You closed the door and made your way back to the living room to take a seat.

"I'm sorry. I've just been thinking."

Kya takes a seat in front of your chair and takes your hands in hers.

"Talk to me. What's going on? Are you okay? I'm sorry for not coming back earlier. My mother said it was better to wait."

You give her a small smile as you pull back your hands.

"I think we should break up."


You look down to play with your fingers as you found it difficult to face her.

"It's been years since what happened and I'm not getting any better. I'm getting worse."

"That's not true, (y/n). You are getting better. You're making progress with your walk..."

"Mentally. I might be improving physically but not mentally. I should've listened to your mother when she told me to seek someone to talk about it but I didn't listen and now I'm paying the consequences."

She attempts to hold your hands again but you move them down to you lap. If you had been looking at her, you would've seen hurt flash across her eyes.

"I can wait. I told you that I would be here for you and I'm keeping that promise. I'll help you find someone."

"I'm sorry Kya but this is something I have to do myself. I can't keep depending on you for everything. I shouldn't have jumped into a relationship right after he was arrested and I'm sorry for dragging you down with me."

Kya remains as she stares at you, hoping you would tell her it was a prank.

"You really want to break up."

You hesitated for a second but eventually nodded.

"I'm sorry."

"...don't be. If this is something you think you should do then I understand. Just remember that I'm here if you ever need me for anything. I love you, (y/n)."

You don't say anything as you hear her retreating footsteps. When the door closes behind her, you let out a loud sigh. You didn't want to break up with Kya but it was the only logical choice. You had started getting nightmares of what had happened but you never mentioned them to her in hopes that they would go away but they didn't. Instead, it got worse to the point that you ended up hurting her during a flashback of the event.

You needed to focus on healing both mentally and physically. Then when you got better, focus on rebuilding your relationship with Kya.


All characters are 18+   

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing   

Lin Beifong - Bear

Mai - Promise

Katara - Behind

Eska - Froze Part 2

Korra - First

Toph Beifong/Katara - Betrayal

Asami Sato - Print

Asami Sato - Sleep

Azula - Accident //established

Lin Beifong - Forbidden

Toph Beifong/Katara - Injured

Korra/Asami Sato - MoveIn

Jinora - Wrong

Kya/Lin Beifong - Tires //family

Kyoshi/Rangi - Freak

Eska - Surprise

Lin Beifong - Arguments

Ming-Hua - Reformed

Lin Beifong - Work Trip

Toph Beifong - Reveals

Kuvira - Rivals

Asami Sato - Missing

Kya - Difference

Azula - Fight

Korra - Safe

Lin Beifong - Angel //friend


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