You/Suyin Beifong - Assassin

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Mako and Bolin just starred at you while trying to figure out what was going on

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Mako and Bolin just starred at you while trying to figure out what was going on. The last they heard from you, you had killed for hire in cold blood. You had no mercy for anyone and yet here you were in Zaofu greeting everyone with smiles. You were up to something and they were going to get to the bottom of it.

"It's a pleasure to meet the...."

You frowned as they simply ran away from you. You weren't sure what you had done to scare them off.

"Don't pay them any attention. No one ever knows what goes through their head."

The Avatar explains to you. You nod, taking her word. You had more important things to focus on than her friends.


You tried to ignore their stares but it was impossible with how obvious they were being.

"Please let me teach them a lesson, Su."

"(y/n), they're the Avatar's friends. You can't hurt them."

"I wasn't going to hurt them! I swear. I mean when I said that I was going to teach them a lesson."

She raises her brow at you, not believing a word you were saying. Suyin knew how often you preferred nontraditional methods to teach someone a lesson.

"Really? Just how where you going to teach them a lesson."

"Well since they insist on spying on me. I figured it wouldn't hurt to spy on them a little. It'll be fun to find out what they're hiding from the others...."


You pout at her answer. Ever since the two of you started dating, you had turned over a new leaf. Rather than using your skills to hurt others, you used them to gather information.

"Please, baby. I'm not going to hurt them."

"No? So you weren't planning on blackmailing them?"

You cross your arms over your chest as you scowl. You often hated how she knew you like the back of her hand.

" I'm not."

Su just shakes her head. You were something else.

"Just let them be. I'm sure they'll stop staring at you."

"Fine but I'm just letting you know if I get annoyed. I might give them a scare or two."

She yawns loudly before pulling you closer to cuddle with you.

"Sure, babe. Just don't make it seem like you'll kill them."

"Fuck! I can't do anything fun."

She laughs and presses a kiss on the back of your neck. One of her hands slides under your shirt making you quietly gasp with how cool it was.

"Are you sure about that?"

Both of you slept until the early hours of the morning for your fill of fun.


Mako and Bolin kept their eyes peeled for anything that would help them prove you had been or still are an assassin but you never gave anything away. It was annoying them and making them look like fools to everyone.

"We swear! She used to work for Triple Threat Triad."

Korra rolls her eyes at them, not believing that someone as sweet as you could be an assassin that worked for a gang.

"That's ridiculous. She looks like she can't even hurt a fly."

"That's the point! Those are the best kinds of assassins. Chief, back me and Bolin up. Tell us that you have something on her."

Lin looks to where you were talking to Su. She always had a feeling that there was more to you than you let on but she never figured out what it was. What Mako and Bolin were saying could be true but she had no evidence.

"Sorry, I have nothing on her. Just give it a rest. Su wouldn't be harboring an assassin."

"But Chief..."

"But nothing, Mako. We have our hands full with other issues. We can't let out guard down so leave the poor woman alone."


The night when the Red Lotus attempt to kidnap Korra, you don't hold back. You used every trick you knew to keep everyone save and that included the Red Lotus. You had sworn off killing and you weren't going to break your promise to Su because the enemy was out to kill.

When the enemy runs away and they've checked that everyone is safe, Mako speaks up.

"I told you! I told you all that she wasn't as innocent as she seemed out to be. There's no way that she could perform all those moves without a little bit of practice. Admit it, you were the assassin who used to work for the Triple Threats."

"You're almost right. I was an assassin but I didn't work for the Triple Threats. I worked for myself. I only took a few jobs from them. Also assassin is a little too extreme. I shot my targets with sleeping agents and left them at the station with a note that their life was in danger."

Everyone turns to Lin to see if she could confirm your story.

"So that was you? Huh. You were not what I pictured."

With the exception of Mako, Bolin and Su, they took a second to let Lin's words sink in. Even after seeing you in action, it was difficult to believe what they had heard.

"I told you! We were right about her all along."

Using your wooden sword, you hit them on the back of the head.

"Don't get so cocky. You weren't entirely right."


All characters are 18+   

This is the list of prompts that I will be doing   

Kuvira - Dare

Azula - Out

Eska - Froze

Korra - Obsessed Part 2


Avatar: The Last Airbender/LoK (FxF) Imagines - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now