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( 🎶 A Sunday Kind Of Love - Etta James )

After today's occasion with Brandon, it was harder than normal to let him go off my mind. I really tried due to my date with Donald, but the things he said and the way he reacted made it impossible for me to think about something else.

I even had to call Dolores for her to help me with getting something else on my mind. I had mentioned Brandon before to Dolores, but since I had professional secrecy, there was not much I could say to her even if I wanted to.

As the clock was nearly seven, I looked myself in the mirror one last time to touch up my hair and makeup. I hoped that I would manage to keep my focus this evening, because that was what Donald deserved.

I wore a black, tight maxi dress and my blonde hair was curled into a mess of volume. Just when I was about to put my varnished, red heels on, it knocked on the door. Perfect timing.

I opened and met with Donald who was wearing a white shirt with black braces and suit pants. He was very handsome, dressed like that, for once out of his guardsman uniform.

We hugged each other tightly and the warmth from his body made me feel safe. His cologne made him smell wonderful and masculine with the scent of water mint, cedar tree and blue junipers.

He kissed my cheek and looked at me with a big bright smile. I was a bit shocked by his intrusive approach but decided to leave it out of the world. After all, this was a date.

We left my apartment, stepped inside Donald's dark-green Morris Minor, and he began to drive. Immediately, he started to chit-chat with me while the sound of the radio was heard in the background.

The atmosphere was easy and settled, and I already knew that I was going to have a great time since Donald truly was an eccentric man. But still, I was afraid that something else would interrupt my mind during the date with him, and out of all people in the world, Donald was the last person who deserved a date that turned out unsuccessful.

During our time together, he really managed to make me think about something else for a while. We sat by our table at the restaurant, drank our big glasses of red wine and ate delicious food.

Donald was very good with keeping the conversations up, so thankfully there was not one single moment of awkwardness between us. I was truly in need of this after my first, four rough weeks of work.

Even though he kept his toadeating comments coming, I tried my best just to smile and be thankful even though I thought it was a little bit too much for the first date.

"I had a great time tonight," I said where I stood in the doorway to my apartment. Donald was standing in front of me and his beautiful dark skin was shimmering from the sun that was on its way down the horizon.

"Me too. I really enjoyed your company tonight. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" He pleaded with a careful but proud voice as he looked at me with a smile of hope. Donald was indeed my type, otherwise I wouldn't have gone out with him in the first place, but there was something inside of me that knew that he would want more than I would ever want with him, and the last thing I wanted was to hurt him.

"Yes, of course!" My insecurity took over by the fact that I didn't dare to say no to him. I didn't want to make him disappointed in his moment of pride.

"Okay then, I should get going. See you at work," He said lastly before his arms surrounded me in a hug. He then winked at me and turned his back to head out in the fresh summer night again.

As the clock was nearly 11 pm, I decided to go to bed. I wasn't the type who got to bed that early, but since my job stole a lot of my energy right now, I realized it was for the best.

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