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The lunch hours passed by quickly and when all the patients were done with their meal, I helped the nurses with the dishes before I walked my way to meet with Brandon for our next session of outdoor event.

I didn't know why I felt nervous about following Brandon outside. It would just be like the gathering hours or any other normal session, just him and I and the security guard, talking and enjoying the vitamin D and the fresh mid-summer air.

I locked up the door to Brandon's cell to spot him sitting in his usual place on the broad window sill, and when he noticed the door getting opened, he turned his face in my direction and I met his face with a smile.

"Are you ready?" I asked from where I stood in the doorway. Brandon's face turned into a slightly happier expression and he got down from the window.

He nodded his head willingly while walking towards me, eager about getting out of the confined cellar.

The guard behind me prepared with a pair of handcuffs and took a step closer to Brandon, but in a swift determined move, I placed my hand over his arm to stop his motion.

"That's not necessary!" I spit as I ogled at him in annoyance. The guard listened to my demand and took a quick step back without saying anything. Brandon was still standing in silence next to me, and I glanced at him one last time before the three of us stepped out in the hallway and I closed the door to his cell.

We began to walk through the ward halls, the guard tracking right behind us along the way. The air was quiet and a bit severe as we passed every corridor in each other's company. None of us said a word which once again sent me into a state of nervousness.

I didn't know why, but being so close to Brandon in a place we had never been before made my body thrilled with excitement and curiosity, knowing that his every word and action was completely unpredictable, only made me wonder what would happen next in his company.

Once we reached the big back doors of the institution, I locked them up and allowed Brandon to step outside with myself following just a few inches behind him. I inspected his reaction as the warm, fresh summer air hit his face.

He breathed in the oxygen heavily to fill his lungs while closing his eyes for a short moment, capturing the strength of all nature's elements. Then he turned his head to look at me, not knowing what to do next.

"Let's go for a walk," I said as I took a step forward for him to follow my lead into the big, green garden.

We walked through the beautiful, perfectly planted pleasance surrounded by the high, brown, barbed wire walls in silence.

I just wanted Brandon to feel his moment, so I decided not to disturb him with my talking, I just paced beside him in slow enjoyable steps. The bright sun shined on his bare, still sensitive, pale skin and his beautiful face looked more alive than ever. His messy blond hair appeared a bit lighter with color in the bright daylight. Every detail of him was now exposed and it made me notice every one of those I hadn't observed before. It all just made him look more glorious and angelic.

As we traced around the outside of the enormous, mighty building, we suddenly reached the small wooden brown shed that was built right next to the east wing of the hospital building.

"Can we go in there? I want to sit down for a moment," Brandon looked at me with a serious face and I doubted his question for a second. Was something wrong?

I knew the shed was just a spacious area with a few chairs, a bookshelf and a desk, used as a change of ambience for some of the progressing patients, so the thought about going in there was in fact not something dangerous or riskful for either of us. So after a few seconds of reflection, I nodded my head at Brandon.

"Could you give us a moment, Frank?" I asked the guard confidingly.

Since Frank Burton was the guardsman responsible for Brandon's surveillance, he was not very surprised with me wanting to be left alone with him by now.

He obeyed my statement, and I picked up my key to unlock the small wooden door of the shed. Slowly we stepped inside the spacious, empty furnished room.

It smelled like ancient wood and the air was damp which made it different to breathe compared to the air outside. The small windows were covered by heavy brown curtains, still letting a small sunlight come through not to leave the room completely dark. The books standing in the old, huge shelf were dusty and you could really tell which ones were the most fancied.

Brandon sat down on the backboard of one of the burgundy velvet armchairs placed in the middle of the room. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me with his seductive, stiff brown eyes.

My heart started beating faster when he looked at me that way. I felt exposed by him, standing alone in the empty, quiet room as he inspected me like a statue or other kind of artwork.

"Are you alright, Brandon?" I decided to ask as I noticed my strong concern about his earlier assertion of the necessity to sit down.

"Yes," He soothed, using his darkest masculine voice. I creased my eyebrows out of confusion and just kept looking at him like I was waiting for him to say something more.

I knew he never lied and that his answer probably was true because of that, but still, I wondered what this was about then. I thought maybe he was just in the mood to explore, and decided not to further ask about his being.

Suddenly Brandon stood up again and started walking towards me with slow steps. My heart was now racing even faster from his movement, not having a clue of what was about to happen next. I was still standing at the same spot, right next to the closed door, with the writing desk standing in the corner to my left, the big bookshelf against the wall to my right, and Brandon right before me only a couple feet away.

I just looked at him inquiring as he moved in my direction. Rubbing my wrists out of stress as he approached me so slowly.

He stopped right in front of me, so close of a distance I could feel his breath against my skin. He kept penetrating me deeply with his gaze as he looked down at my shorter self.

"I just wanted to be alone with you," He whispered in persuasion as he leaned forward to rest his forehead against mine. My heart skipped a beat out of romantic manipulation and I bit my lip while holding my breath, trying to manage keeping my emotions in control.

Ifelt the blood pump through every vein of my body, just helping the mental arousal to get even rougher.

Even if I scientifically knew every way of handling the mental functions of the human brain and how to keep control over emotions, this resistance was a challenge not even a psychologically educated person could manage to sustain, so as I looked into the piercing ocher eyes in front of me, I lost all my ability of sanity.

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