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This is the 15th part/chapter and so far, no smut I think. Are you guys waiting for smut?!  I feel like you guys are here for Rindou smut 🤨


Once again, you woke up first and immediately got up from Kokonoi's chest. You checked him and saw no blood stains. Only then did you felt relieved. It would've been embarrassing otherwise.

"Come back..." He groans softly, holding his arms out for you.

"Go back to sleep, Hajime."

You took a shower and did your routine before going to the kitchen. Normally, you would actually cook but that morning you just felt like ordering food. But then you realize you were in a remote island where you can't just drive to get McDonald's.

Smirking to yourself, you went back to the bedroom and crept up to the one you needed.

"Hajime..." You spoke between a whine and a whisper, getting back on his chest. "Wake up..."

"Hmm, what is it?" Kokonoi struggled to open his eyes, his mind still half asleep.

"I want McDonald's..." You tell him with a small pout, feeling another cramp. "...and Jollibee."

"But we're in..." Kokonoi sighs, knowing he wouldn't be able to refuse you anyway. "Go wake someone else because I can't drive the yacht."

"Alright." You smile and got off him.

"Let me just go take a shower first." He mutters, slowly sitting up and getting off. "I'll be quick, okay?"

You nod and look around, wondering who you could wake up next. Mikey has disappeared, probably to sleep in a quieter room since there were occasional snores coming from Takeomi.

The Haitani Brothers would most likely pull you in bed with them if you try to wake them, you don't want to disturb Kakucho, Takeomi is old so you feel like he needs as much sleep as Mikey, Mochi will most likely wake up and accompany you along with Koko so you'll definitely wake him.

"Wait, who else is missing...?" You mutter to yourself and counted them. "Right, Sanzu..."

You found Sanzu in the balcony, smoking his third stick for the morning. The last conversation you had with him when you were alone with him popped in your head. You feel the need to talk to him but you figured this isn't the right time and place for that. Knowing him, he could burst and wake the others.

Making yourself as quiet as possible, you walk back to where Mochi was sleeping and shook his shoulders gently until he woke up. He wast startled at first but then calmed down when he saw you.

"Hey, is there anything wrong? Do you need something?" He mutters, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"Mochi, can you drive Koko and I to McDonald's?" You ask him, watching him blink a few times.

"You're asking like it's not a two-hour drive." He chuckles while shaking his head. "Well...anything for you, princess."

You smile at him and at that exact moment, Kokonoi comes out of the bathroom already dressed for the day with his hair dried.

"Let's go now so we can get back early." Kokonoi yawns and walks over to you, holding you by the waist.

"But I haven't showered and changed yet!" Mochi exclaims, earning multiple groans from the sleeping beauties.

"Tch. Just be quick." Kokonoi tells Mochi who immediately got some clothes and went to the bathroom.

You notice Sanzu still not bothering to turn around after Mochi yelled so it seems that he was ignoring everyone on purpose. He drops his fourth cigarette and takes out another one.

Concerned by this, you slowly approached him with Kokonoi following you with his eyes. You brought your hand up to place it on Sanzu's shoulder and he flinched but said nothing.

"I think that's enough smoking for today, Sanzu." You spoke softly, your other hand inching closer to the cancer stick in between his fingers.

Sanzu sighs and throws it out the balcony, the stick hitting the sand. He still refused to look at you but you were determined to ask him what's wrong.

"Why are you being like this? Are you upset with me or something?" You ask, feeling like you already know the answer.

Sanzu huffs out a dry laugh. "I don't even know why I'm upset. You were never really mine and I know you never will be. It's a hard pill to swallow but...whatever..."

And with that, Sanzu turns around and leaves the room.

You didn't bother going after him, of course. For what? If he wanted to talk, he wouldn't have left. And with his personality—

"Let's go!" Mochi exclaims, earning another series of groans.

You made small talk with Mochi and Koko during the trip. It was a bit over the top to actually go back to the city just for fastfood but you were already on your way so there's absolutely no point in changing your mind now.

Walking out of the yacht, you were surprised to know that Sanzu was inside the yacht all along and no one really noticed until he came out. He was unlike his usual self, all quiet and well-behaved. It was actually concerning because it was like the calm before the storm.

"What do you want?" Kokonoi asks you as you two walked up to the counter with Mochi and Sanzu following behind.

"The guys will probably eat too so let's buy everything." Mochi suggested and you nodded in agreement.

Kokonoi took out his card and ordered, telling the one behind the counter to rush because he had no time. The three guys probably intimidated the poor worker and called for the others to help get everything.

The four of you drove back to where the yacht was and as soon as Kokonoi got out with Mochi, Sanzu clears his throat and went to the driver's seat. You were out of it, just got back to your senses from a daydream so you were the last one to move.

"I gotta go buy something." Sanzu speaks up for the first time and everyone looks towards him.

"Alright, we'll be waiting in the y—"


You were about to step out when Sanzu immediately drove off, you almost falling out of the open car door. Kokonoi and Mochi almost had a heart attack, seeing you almost get into an accident.

"Sanzu Haruchiyo, are you fucking crazy?!" You yell, closing the car door and kicking the back of his seat. "Why couldn't you have waited for me to get out?"

"I'm in a hurry and you were being slow." Sanzu says calmly. "Here, eat some candy."

You quickly caught the packet of sweets he tossed to you and pursed your lips while opening it, too tired to continue yelling at him. At least he gave you candy.

"Tastes a bit funny." You mutter to yourself, your eyelids growing heavier by the second.

"They're a new type of candy."

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