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"Some part of me feels a little bit naked and empty. I'm stuck underneath a few dirty old blankets to comfort me." ~ Staying Up [The Neighborhood]

"Do you think she ever thought about coming back for us?"

Arthur lets out a long sigh as he fixes the fire with the rod. Rosie and Taehyung were both on the couch, swaddled in blankets and given hot chocolates from Arthur.

"I think your mother loved you," Arthur says, sitting on the chair by the fire and looking at the siblings. "And I think she was suffering just as much as you two. She got sold and fell in love, and everything worked in her favor. She became rich, and you two got the worst childhood anyone could have"

"To answer your question... I think she may have, once," Arthur nods. "But I think somewhere along her freedom, she made herself let her past go. And in doing that, she let you two go."

Rosie chokes on a sob, clutching onto Taehyung's hand like a lifeline.

"You two are brave, do you understand?" Arthur says firmly. "You two were forced to be strong when you never should have been. You should have been able to run to your parents for safety, not cower away from them. And, if you'll let me, I'll be that parent you've never had."

"Arthur," Taehyung whimpers, the tears rolling down his cheeks.

Arthur stands, walking over to Taehyung and cupping his cheeks.

"You're a brave boy, Taehyung," Arthur says softly, kissing his forehead.

Taehyung cries hard, hugging Arthur tightly and sobbing into his chest. He's always wanted a dad; always wanted to be the kid for once and not the caregiver.

"Guess what?" he whispers to them, like he has the biggest secret. Taehyung pulls back from his chest and looks up at him with red eyes. "I have fresh hotteok you two can go heat up while I put on a movie."

Rosie and Taehyung gasp, looking at each other excitedly before bouncing off the couch and to the kitchen. Arthur chuckles fondly and straightens up, putting on an old Christmas movie.

Once Taehyung and Rosie get their snacks, they join Arthur on the couch, sitting on each side of him. Eventually, after finishing their food, their heads roll onto his shoulders and they fall asleep to the people of Whoville singing around the Christmas tree.

Arthur looks down at them fondly, their lips both pouting and their breathing gentle.

"What am I gonna do with you two?" Arthur whispers, smiling to himself as he secures them into his sides and continues watching the movie, his heart full of love.


Alexandria's floor was trashed with lost trinkets as she searched her drawers like a mad woman. Her heels were tossed carelessly off somewhere on the ground and her makeup was smeared with tears.

She gasps as her fingers brush against what she was looking for, and she pulls it out with a sigh of relief.

In her hand was a heart locket, and her trembling hands opened it. Inside was a picture of little Taehyung on one side and little Rosie on the other.

"My babies," she sobs, holding the locket to her chest.

She remembers now. Remembers how she ripped the locket off her neck and shoved it far into her drawer, vowing never to open up her past life.

But karma was a bitch, wasn't it? It bites you in the ass when you're least expecting it.

"I'm sorry," she cried in the room by herself. She couldn't have said it to her children, so she says it now. "I'm s-sorry."

But things were done. What happened happened and that's the way things were.

And she knew Rosie meant what she had said.

She had spent years abandoning her children's lives. Why would they ever let her in now?

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