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"I'll carry you all the way, and you'll choose the day when you're prepared to greet me." ~ I've Been Waiting For You [Mama Mia 2]

"I'm so excited!" Laila beams, a giddy smile on her lips. She was the only one who knew the gender and helped with organizing the gender reveal party.

Taehyung smiles, a small part of guilt hitting his heart. He still hasn't met with his mother nor told Rosie about it. He wanted to wait until after the gender reveal party.

Because at the end of the day, Rosie and her sweet little baby were more important to Taehyung.

"You look good in pink, Jeon," Namjoon teases.

"Thanks," Jungkook grins, his dimples curving in his cheeks. Anyone could see he was buzzing with excitement.

Rosie comes down the stairs, dressed in a baby blue dress. Jungkook practically melted into a puddle, his eyes showing nothing less than adoration.

"Are you ready, my love?" Rosie smiles as she approaches him, her hand naturally falling to her stomach.

"'Course," he smiles. "Let's go."

Everyone follows them outside, excitement fluttering through the air as Jungkook and Rosie hold a black balloon in their hands. Whatever glitter fell out—blue or pink—would reveal the gender of their baby.

"$20 it's a girl," Jimin murmurs to Taehyung.

"You're on, Park."

"Everyone ready?" Rosie calls out, giggling when everyone cheers.




Rosie and Jungkook both pop the balloon, and the glitter falls out.

"I'M HAVING A BABY GIRL!" Jungkook shouts, lifting Rosie and twirling her around.

Everyone cheers loudly, Laila and Namjoon crying in joy while Taehyung grumpily shoves a $20 bill in Jimin's waiting hand.

"A baby girl," Rosie says, her eyes swimming with tears as she cups Jungkook's face.

"Another little princess," Jungkook smiles, his eyes shining with tears too.

The couple kiss happily at their new discovery, their hearts just about exploding in their chests from excitement.

"FUCK YEAH!" Jungkook shouts in excitement, going to the guys and jumping around.

"Congratulations, honey," Laila cries, throwing her arms around Rosie.

"Thank you for helping plan this," Rosie says, hugging her back tightly. "You're the best older sister."

"I wanna take the princess out on an uncle-niece date first!" Jimin declares as they head inside for food.

"Not a chance, Park," Yoongi scowls. "She's going to hang with her favorite uncle first."

"She's not even born yet," Jungkook laughs.

"Doesn't matter," Jimin says, sticking his tongue out at Yoongi. "I'm the more fun uncle. You're a grandpa."

"Watch it, pipsqueak," Yoongi growls, only calming down when Theo slides his hand into his.

Rosie giggles, sitting beside Jungkook on the couch and setting her plate on her stomach. That was a new hack she was learning; to use her belly as a table.

"Are you happy?" Jungkook asks as he wraps his arm around Rosie's shoulders.

"So happy," Rosie nods, leaning into him.

Jungkook grins, kissing the side of her forehead while simultaneously taking his finger into the pink frosting of his cupcake and putting it on her nose.

"Jeon Jungkook," Rosie groans.


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