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"Voices calling me, I'm in chaos now. Drawn by the name, I stand in chaos." ~ Frost [TOMORROW X TOGETHER]


The club was illuminated in blood red, the strippers silhouetted as they performed for the guests. The club was busy, which wasn't a surprise considering it was a Saturday.

"Earpieces in," Namjoon says. "And keep your eyes open."

Rosie feels the anxiety settle under her skin as they maneuver their way through the crowds of people, her hand held tightly in Jungkook's.

"You alright, my dear?" Arthur asks, and Rosie nods, forgetting that he couldn't see her.

"Yeah," she says once she realizes. "When should I give Jin my purse?"

"Now is fine," Yoongi chips in. "We're working on the power now. It's going to take a few minutes."

Rosie hands Jin the purse and then Jungkook turns her towards him, placing his hands on her hips.

"You stay here with Jin, okay?" he says, voice firm. "Namjoon, Jimin and I are going to find him."

Rosie gulps and holds onto the lapels of his suit. "Be careful."

"Always," Jungkook smiles, bending down to kiss her forehead.

Rosie lets out a shuttery breath as she watches him, Jimin and Namjoon walk away, a ball of nerves settling in her stomach.

"Start walking around," Hobi says through the earpieces. "You two need to be seen by people."

Jin nods, giving Rosie's shoulder a comforting squeeze before they begin walking their way through the club.

"You think I could do well up there?" Jin jokes, nudging his head towards the pole dancers.

"Definitely," Rosie laughs, thankful for his light mood. "Why don't you go try?"

"Maybe I will," Jin huffs dramatically, showing Rosie his best slut drop. "See? I'm a pro."

Arthur smiles on the other end as Rosie's laughter hits his ears.


Jungkook leads Namjoon and Jimin towards the private room, all of them carrying weapons on them. But realistically, Angelo would probably have them searched and stripped of any weaponry.

"You can't be h-"

"Shut up," Jimin says boredly towards the guard, pulling out his gun and firing. The silencer muffled the shot so that no one would hear it over the loud music of the club.

"Let's do this, gentlemen," Namjoon laughs, and Jungkook steps forward to open the door.

And then they all freeze.

There, on her knees, was a woman with a tie wrapped around her mouth with a gun to her head. Her hair was mangled and she already held bruises on her face, and her cheeks were stained with tears.

"Hello," Angelo smiles, keeping the gun still. "Nice to see you two again. And you brought a guest! How marvelous!"

Jungkook looks down at the woman and keeps his face blank as she cries out for help.

"How rude, Mrs. Sanchez," Angelo pouts dramatically. "Jungkook isn't even affected by your cries. You know, I always knew you should've stayed in the gang, Jungkook. You're perfect for it."

"Let her go, Angelo," Jungkook says, looking at him. "She isn't involved in this."

"Isn't she, though?" Angelo grins. "She's one of the people who sent you a text, Jungkook. I've been saving her for this moment."

The woman screams around the tie and Angelo scowls, fisting his hand in her hair and yanking her head back. "Shut up, you bitch."

"Why haven't you killed her yet?" Jungkook asks.

"Good question!" Angelo laughs. "Well, I was going to use her to try and persuade you, but it seems you don't give a shit about her. Why don't you kill her instead?"

"What?" Jungkook frowns.

Angelo tosses Jungkook the gun and the ravenette catches it.

"Kill her, Jungkook," Angelo says. "And I'll forget about this whole thing between our fathers."

"Really? Just like that?" Namjoon asks, his eyes squinting in suspicion.

"I just want Jungkook to realize that he's just like his father," Angelo smiles maniacally. "A murderer."

Jungkook freezes, the words sinking down to his heart. Nothing happens for a few seconds, everyone watching him intently to observe his next move.

"Jungkook," Jimin gasps when the ravenette aims the gun at the woman.

"I knew it," Angelo cackles.

"My father was a good man," Jungkook tells the crying woman. "And he was not a murderer. And neither am I."

Jungkook quickly aims the gun away from the woman and at Angelo, and he pulls the trigger, awaiting the death of his enemy.

But nothing happened.

The gun was empty, and no bullets left the barrel.

"You're so stupid," Angelo laughs loudly, and then there were men storming into the room. Angelo watches in humor as they try to fight against them.

"Your father sold laced drugs!" Jimin shouts as he's forced onto his knees. "He killed people!"

"He didn't kill anyone!" Angelo shouts back, his anger growing. "He was innocent!"

"He killed my cousin," Jungkook growls, his dark eyes staring up at Angelo from his position on his knees. "And you're going to turn out just like him."

"Listen to me, Angelo," Namjoon says. "What is this revenge going to do for you? It's going to give you a drop of serotonin and then you're going to feel guilt."

"Stop," Angelo snaps.

"You're going to be a murderer."


"Just like your father."

The power suddenly went out, and everyone was blanketed in darkness, except for the red LED lights.

And everything turned to chaos.

The club erupted in screams, everyone scrambling around feeling lost without the light.

Jungkook throws his head back and knocks the guard holding him down back, pulling out his gun from his back and firing. The sound of a gunshot had more people screaming, but the men in the room didn't care. They had business to take care of.

"He's escaping," Namjoon shouts as he shoves a knife into someone's throat.

"Go, Jungkook!" Jimin shouts, focused on firing at the men in the room.

Jungkook sprints out of the room, the adrenaline coursing through his veins

And somewhere in the back of his head, a voice reminds him that Rosie was here. That Rosie was actually in danger now and that he was the only one who could save her.

Jungkook cocked back his gun and set his face into hard concentration as he ran out into the club.

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