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"I love you, our love is true." ~ I.L.Y. [The Rose]

Once everyone began to settle down at the reception, the time for speeches arrived. Laila stood with a nervous smile and held out her paper with the mic in her other hand.

"Hi, everyone," she smiles. "I really don't know what to say. Rosie has grown to be my best friend, and I couldn't have asked for a better younger sister. Watching you and Jungkook over the years, I can safely say that the honeymoon phase really isn't a phase for you two. You're in love, and you're happy, and that's all I can wish for you two. I love you both, and I'm really excited for the next chapter in your lives. Both with your marriage and your future child."

Jimin was next.

"Where to start," Jimin chuckles into the mic. "I've been with these two from the start. I've watched Jungkook lamely flirt with Rosie everyday, and how Rosie planted her seed in his heart and bloomed into his life. You two are the epitome of people in love. Not only because you fight for one another every day, but because you respect each other, and you understand one another"

"I can proudly say that I am best friends with both of them," Jimin says, and then he pulls the mic back, blowing out a breath as he tries to blink his tears away. "Sorry. Rosie and Jungkook are both people who I cherish in my heart. I am honored to be standing up here today, and I want to congratulate you two for the day we've all been waiting for."

"And Jungkook," Jimin chuckles, sniffling a little. "When you asked me to be your best man... that was the biggest honor I've ever received. You've stood up for me, have always been there when I needed you, and continue to be someone I really admire in life. Thank you."

Jungkook stands, his eyes swimming with tears as he pulls Jimin into a tight hug. The honey-blonde hugs him back just as tightly before hugging Rosie, his smile warm.

And then it was time for the last speech.

"Hello, everyone," Arthur says, smiling softly. "I'll keep my speech short, as I'm sure everyone's hungry for dinner. I just wanted to say that meeting you all was the best thing that ever happened to me"

"Now, Jungkook, you're a spitting image of your old man," Arthur chuckles. "Take care of Rosie, yeah? She's a precious flower. A happy wife is a happy life"

"And you, my little dove, have given me the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. A second chance at being a father. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I promise to be there when you need a shoulder to cry on. To put bandaids on your cuts if your husband isn't around. To take you out on father-daughter dates and to remind you of how proud I am. And right now, Rosie, you have made me the proudest father alive."

Rosie stands, embracing Arthur in a tight hug. She had a father now, a man who would truly take care of her, and it brought tears to her eyes.

Dinner came after, and conversation flowed between everyone. Rosie leaned her head against Jungkook's shoulder and watched everyone with a small smile, and Jungkook squeezed her hand underneath the table.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the bride and groom as they share their first dance," the DJ says, and everyone cheers as Rosie and Jungkook head to the dance floor.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" Jungkook asks with a smile as he slides a hand across her back and pulls her towards him.

"Lots of times," Rosie giggles as they begin to sway to the music.

"Good," he whispers, his nose scrunching as his smile grows. "And I'm going to continue to tell you just how beautiful you are for the rest of our lives."

Rosie blushes, laying her head down on his chest as they move along the dance floor. They looked beautiful, the couple holding each other close as their hearts overflowed with love.

"I'm going to love you forever," Jungkook says, twirling her.

"So will I," Rosie beams, pulling him down for a kiss. "I love you, Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook laughs, his dimples growing and his heart pounding against his chest. "I love you too, Kim Rosabella."

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