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"Pull me from his hell. I can't be free from this pain. Save me, I am being punished." ~ Lie [BTS]

Rosie hums to herself as she busies herself making tea. She had on one of Jungkook's oversized sweaters, the material stretching over her belly.

"Are you comfy, my princess?" Rosie coos, rubbing her stomach.

Her baby didn't answer, of course, but Rosie still loved talking to her. She felt a deep connection with her baby, and she often found herself rubbing her belly or talking to her about anything and everything.

Taehyung and Jungkook were in the living room, something about her brother wanting to talk to her. Rosie made her way over slowly, making sure not to spill her tea as she entered the living room.

"Okay, what's this about?" she asks, blowing at her tea before taking a small sip.

"You should sit down, my love," Jungkook says, holding his hand out.

Rosie frowns, taking his hand and sitting down on the couch beside him. She sets her mug down on the table and then folds her arms over her chest, looking at Taehyung expectantly.

"Rosie," Taehyung starts, swallowing thickly. He picks at his skin nervously and Rosie's frown deepens. "I—"

Taehyung stops, blinking rapidly to try and make his tears disappear.

"What's going on, Taehyungie?" Rosie asks worriedly.

"I saw mom!" he blurts out.

Rosie blinks, standing up slowly with a humorless scoff. "That's... that's impossible."

"I thought so too," Taehyung says carefully. "But I saw her at the grocery store."

Rosie blinks again, too in shock to say anything.

Then her eyes filled with tears quickly.

"You're lying," she says through trembling lips, a sob coming from her throat.

Taehyung was up in a second, hugging her tightly as his throat clogged with emotion.

"You're lying!" Rosie shouts, punching at his shoulders. "Tell me you're lying!"

Taehyung chokes on a sob, holding her tighter. "I'm not."

Rosie cries, hard, and clutches onto her brother like a lifeline. Her world had just been turned upside down. Her entire life felt like a lie.

"She's dead," Rosie tries again, her voice weak.

"She's alive," Taehyung whispers. "And she's filthy rich."

"What?" Rosie exclaims, backing away from him like she had been electrocuted.

Taehyung looks at her helplessly, his own tears rolling down his cheeks.

"This isn't real," Rosie whispers to herself, gripping at her hair.

"Rosie," Jungkook says softly, gently guiding her down to sit again. "Baby, look at me."

Rosie does so, her bloodshot eyes confused and lost.

"We'll figure this out," Jungkook promises, looking at both of the siblings. "I promise."

After that, Rosie shuts down. She stares blankly at the wall and only feels grounded because Jungkook's holding her hand tightly. She occasionally feels his lips press against her cheek or the side of her head, but she can't bring herself to do anything.

Her mother is alive.

And she had left Rosie and Taehyung all alone with the monster that abused them.

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