|| Chapter Forty ||

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"(Y/N)? What the fuck are you doing?" Sero judgmentally asked as he passed her, eyeing her actions with a confused face.

"Getting food." She answered simply, her brain focused on stabbing the salmon in the waters.

"Just use a fishing rod." Kaminari chuckled, looking over to Sero's screen to watch what (Y/N) was doing.

She was swimming in the river between their chosen settlement, slaughtering salmon to get food.

"I don't want to!" She mumbled stubbornly, spamming her hit button, her iron sword walking the salmon aggressively.

"Whatever man." Sero laughed, returning to his own objectives. Kaminari did the same.

Just ten seconds passed before the words; '[USERNAME] drowned' appeared at the bottom left of all four screens.

"Whoops." (Y/N) cringed in amusement.

Sero dropped his controller as he fell back in laughter, wheezing and giggling at her. Kaminari gawked at the screen before mimicking Sero, falling to the ground and laughing so much that he felt like he was going to wet himself. Uraraka tried not to laugh but it was obvious by the snorts that erupted from behind the palm pressed against her face that she felt exactly the same as the other two.

(Y/N) pouted and set her controller down. "I'm gonna get something to eat. Do you guys want anything?" She was met with another wave of mocking laughs. She rolled her eyes and headed to the kitchen to grab a snack.

(Y/N) walked straight past Bakugou who was sitting at the table, ignoring him as she headed towards the kitchen cupboards. She crouched down and inspected the snacks within them. Something that UA had always provided was food. The dorms were never void of any snack that she could want. They lived up to their prestigious standards by keeping the kitchens fully stocked at all times. And for that, (Y/N) was grateful to be at such a fantastic school.

She heard some ruckus coming from the entrance of the dorms but paid no mind to it, choosing to focus on her objective rather than something possibly important.

"If it was really important, they'd come and get me." She mumbled to herself, waddling on the ground as she walked from cupboard to cupboard - unable to choose. Her logic was seemingly flawless in her mind.

Finally, her eyes caught sight of (F/S - Favourite Snack). She made a weird snort-like sound in a fit of excitement. She reached to the back of the cupboard where the snack was and yanked it from its container, rustling a few packets along the way. She smiled at the snack before closing the door and standing. She stretched her legs, allowing blood to flow through her muscles after having crouched down for so long.

Suddenly, a loud click uncomfortably close to her face sounded. She let out a squeak of worry, holding her hand up in a defense position. Her eyes widened as she looked down the lens of her camera growing out of a stranger's hand. And then, the sound of the camera shutter resounded through the open kitchen again. She gulped as she watched the camera sink back into the palm to reveal untainted skin.

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