Chapter 64: Winning Team

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Dal mi's POV

"What time are the results released again?" I ask for the fifth time.

"2pm." In jae says nervously as she paces up and down the office. It's the day of release of the results of the Smart City project bid. There's a tense energy in the air. Chul san keeps clicking the refresh button.

"Are the results out yet?" Ji pyeong asks as he comes into the office.
"Oh, you're here." I say as he comes to my side.

"Why does time seem to be moving so slowly..." Do san complains as he glues his eyes to the clock.

"We all remember what bets we made right?" Sa ha asks as she glances at the clock.

"Yong san will give us a billion won. I will dress up like a chicken. Do san will propose to Sung-kyung. Sa ha will reveal who her boyfriend is." Chul san says and sounds unbelievably happy when he mentions Sa ha's bet.

"Wait, I want to change my bet." Yong san says.

"Oh?" Chul san looks up at him. "Let's hear it first." Chul san says and folds his arms.

"If we win the bid, I will confess to the girl I like." Yong san says.

"WHAT?" Chul san exclaims. "YOU LIKE SOMEONE?" He almost falls off his chair in surprise.

"Yes." Yong san says. "Unlike some people, I'm not so obvious about my relationships." Yong san smirks at Chul san. His gaze shifts between Chul san and Sa ha for a split second.

"OH! OH! IT'S 2PM!" I exclaim before Chul san can reply. We all run behind Chul san's computer.

"Okay..." Chul san says nervously. "I'm going to click refresh... Okay?" He says. We all nod nervously.

I reach out and hold Ji pyeong's hand. He also wears the same expression of nervous and excited anticipation.

"1...2..." Chul san says. "AISH I CAN'T DO IT!" Chul san exclaims.
"JUST CLICK THE BUTTON!" We all scream at Chul san simultaneously. Chul san clicks the button quickly.

The page pauses for a second and goes blank for a second.

It's the longest second of my life.

I feel Ji pyeong's hand in mine.


"We got it?" In jae is the first to speak as the result flash out on the screen.

"We got it?" Do san says.

"WE GOT IT!" I exclaim as I read our company's name on the screen.

Winning team: Cheong Myeong Company

"WE GOT IT!" The cheers burst out and we erupt in cheerful glee.

I wrap my arms around Ji pyeong and he spins me around. Chul san clasps Sa ha's hands in his and starts dancing in a silly manner. Yong san high-fives In jae. The three Samsan boys fall over as they hug one another in pure ecstasy.

Do san's POV

"Do I really have to do this?" Chul san sighs and hides in the copy room, refusing to come out.

"Yah! Don't be a coward. Hurry up." Yong san says.

"We haven't got all day. You made the bet. We won the bid. Now you need to uphold your promise." I nag Chul san.

The door opens slowly and Chul san pokes his head out.

"This chicken suit is really itchy.." He whines.

"Would you rather shave your head?" Yong san asks him.

"No! No! No!" Chul san exclaims as he comes out from behind the door. Yong san and I topple over with laughter as he emerges in a feathery chicken suit that is about twice his size.

"Aigoo, don't you look adorable." Dal mi laughs as she walks over with In jae and Sa ha.

"What are you all doing here?" Chul san sighs.

"We can't miss a single second of this." In jae says as she holds up her phone and grins at Chul san.

"Hwaiting." Sa ha winks at Chul san.
"Aish..." Chul san sighs.

"Okay, on three." Yong san instructs. "Make sure you cluck like a chicken until the whole building can hear you." Yong san smirks.
"Aish... Why do you all hate me..." Chul san says regretfully.

"One, two, three!" I count down.

"BORK BORK! BORK BORK! I AM HENRY THE FLYING CHICKEN!" Chul san sounds like he wants to cry as he flaps his wings and runs down the hallways.

"Unnie, make sure you send the video." Dal mi asks In jae who holds up her phone and takes the video of Chul san flapping his wings.

"Sa ha, it's your turn to carry out your promise." Dal mi says, turning her attention to Sa ha.

Sa ha smiles with affection as she looks at Chul san who soars through the hallways.

"That idiot is mine." Sa ha says, never once taking her eyes off him.
"SERIOUSLY?" Dal mi asks in shock. In jae looks at her with wide eyes of bewilderment as well.

"Aish... Ladies, you two are too slow. We all knew already." Yong san says proudly.

"Hold on." Sa ha says in english. "You two knew already?" She asks Yong san and I.

"Of course." I nod and say proudly. "The two of us had to endure the sight of you and Chul san making secret faces at each other and sending secret notes. Aigoo, I had so many goosebumps." I pretend to shiver. Sa ha laughs softly.

"What are you doing?" We hear Ms Yoon's voice from across the hallway and the sound of Chul san clucking like a chicken immediately stops.

Dal mi's POV

"Aren't you heading off?" I ask Yong san. The rest have left the office already and the sun has long set.

"Oh no, go ahead. I need to tidy up some things." Yong san says.

My phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Dal mi ah," Ji Pyeong says. "Are you finished with work?" He asks me.
"Wah, great timing. I just got off work." I say. "Why?" I ask him.

"Meet me at the carpark." Ji pyeong says. "I have something to show you."

Yong San's POV

"You're still here?" In jae says as she walks through the door. Usually she's the last to leave the office so it's become an unspoken rule that at the end of the day, In jae will come around to turn off the office lights.

"Oh, I was waiting for you." I say.

"Waiting for me?" In jae asks and walks over to my desk. "What for?" She asks me.

"Do you remember the bet I made when we were bidding for the Smart City Project?" I ask In jae.

"You said you would confess to the girl you liked?" In jae asks me.

My stomach does a somersault.

I reach out and pull out the handkerchief that In jae gave to me three years ago when she saw me crying.

"Well..." I start. 

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