Chapter 56: Zucchini Fritters

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Halmeoni's POV

"Ah-hyun, take out more of the zucchini fritters, Good Boy likes them." I tell ​​Ah-hyun as we prepare dinner. I glance at the clock. Good Boy and Dal mi should be on their way here.

"Yes eomeonim!" Ah-hyun says as she dishes out the food.

The sound of keys clinking sound from the door.

"Oh! They must be here!" I exclaim excitedly as I wipe my hands on my apron and dash to the door.

"Halmeoni! Look who's here!" Dal mi announces as she steps through the door. Behind her follows Good Boy.

"GOOD BOY!" I exclaim excitedly as I throw a hug around him.

"Halmeoni!" Good Boy says happily as he hugs me back.

"Did you have a good flight?" I ask him. "Was there any turbulence? Did you eat well?" I ask him as I take a good look at him. "Aigoo, look at you. You look like you've shrunken. Was the food there any good?" I ask him.

"Aish, I missed your food while I was there." Good Boy pouts and I laugh.

"Good, good. Because I've prepared a lot of food for you, come this way!" I say excitedly as I lead Good Boy to the kitchen.

"Jiang! Good Boy, this is for you. Eat up!" I say as I dish out the biggest piece of fish for Good Boy.

"Yah! Halmeoni! What about me?" Dal mi asks me with big eyes as she watches me scoop food onto Good Boy's plate.

"Aish, you have your own hands. You can take the food on your own." I nag at her as Dal mi glares me. Good Boy laughs and reaches out to scoop food onto Dal mi's plate.

"Here you go." Good Boy tells Dal mi as she beams at him.

"Dal mi has always been like this since she was young." Ah-hyun says. "She has princess syndrome. She'll just sit there and wait to be served." Ah-hyun laughs.

"Exactly! I agree a hundred percent. Sometimes I wondered whether I'm raising a girl or a pig." I agree with Ah-hyun.

"Yah! Did you just call me a pig?" Dal mi protests.

"Pigs have some use. At least I can sell them for money." I joke.

"HALMEONI!" Dal mi is speechless. Sitting beside her, Good Boy laughs heartily as he touches the side of Dal mi's head briefly, as if to reassure her. My heart grows warm each time I see them.

"Aish, enough about you." I say to Dal mi. "Good Boy, how was your trip?" I ask and smile at Good Boy.

"Oh! Guess who I bumped into in San Francisco!" Good Boy says.

"Who?" Dal mi asks.

"Who do we know in San Francisco?" Good Boy asks a rhetorical question.

"The Samsan boys?" Dal mi asks excitedly. Good Boy nods.

"Wah, you should've seen their office. It's very impressive. And all three of them are doing very well. Except for Chul san, I think he's still thinking of Sa ha everyday." Good Boy says.

"I told them about Cheong Myeong company and they're all very proud of you." Good Boy says and grins at Dal mi. Dal mi's face lights up each time her eyes and Good Boy's eyes meet. Looking at Dal mi and Good Boy, there is nothing more to ask for. My heart is full.

"Wah Good Boy ah, you peel apples really prettily." I tell Good Boy. After a full dinner, we're seated at the couch and peeling apples for dessert. Good Boy skillfully peels in the apples in a single neat stroke.

"Isn't our Ji Pyeong good at everything?" Dal mi gushes as she holds her hands in her face and gazes at Good Boy. Good Boy smiles shyly.

"I heard from Dal mi that you got promoted to Director! Congratulations!" I tell Good Boy.

"Thank you Halmeoni." Good Boy beams. "I will work hard and do my best."

"Aish, there's no need to work so hard. Take it easy. Don't overwork yourself." I nag him again. I pick up a peeler and start peeling an apple.

"Ow!" I jump in pain as the peeler hits against one of the wounds on my hand.
"Halmeoni! Are you okay?" Good Boy immediately darts up and looks at my hand. "Aigoo Halmeoni! What happened to your hand?" He worries himself over the bruises on my hand.

"Halmeoni works herself way too hard." Dal mi sighs as she looks at Halmeoni's hands as well. "I keep telling her to get extra help at the corn dog truck."

"Aigoo, my two dears," I laugh at Good Boy and Dal mi who fuss over me. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me. These are just a few small scratches." I assure them.

"A few small scratches?!" Good Boy says in shock. "Aish Halmeoni, at this rate, I'm scared to give this to you." He says as he draws out a document from his bag.

"What is that?" Dal mi and I ask simultaneously. Good Boy flashes a boyish grin at us.

"I'll only tell you if you promise that you'll hire extra help so that you don't overexert yourself." Good Boy says firmly with a twinkle in his eye. His dimples peek out in his cheeks.

"Aigoo Good Boy, how am I supposed to hire extra help with the small income from the corn dog truck?" I laugh.

"By expanding it maybe?" Good Boy smiles brightly as he places the document in my hand.

"What is this?" I ask, squinting at the small words on the paper.

"Halmeoni, it's upside down." Dal mi says as she orientates it the correct way. Her eyes scan the paper and her jaw drops.

"HALMEONI!" She exclaims in sheer delight and excitement. Her eyes fly to Good Boy who shares her joy.
"Ji pyeong ah!" Dal mi exclaims in disbelief and covers her mouth with her hands.

"What is it? What is it?" I ask as I feel the excitement radiate between Dal mi and Good Boy. "Let me see that." I say as I take a closer look at the document. I struggle to read the small words.

"It's a lease." Good Boy says kindly as he traces out the key words on the document. "It's the lease for your new shop." He says.

I look up at him in shock. Good Boy wears the warmest expression.

"Good Boy..." I gasp. I'm completely speechless. Tears shine in my eyes. Emotion rises in my chest like a wave that is surging in the sea. I look at him in disbelief. "Good Boy... Is this really?" I am speechless.

"This is for your new corn dog shop." Good Boy beams like the brightest star in the sky. "And you'll really love this location. It's in the center of a huge department store with schools nearby. You'll have so many customers." Good Boy says excitedly. "Wah, Halmeoni, you're going to be a millionaire soon!"

"Good Boy!" I exclaim in sheer gratitude and embrace him tightly. I pat him on the back and thank the heavens for giving me the privilege of having Good Boy in my life. "How can I accept this!" I exclaim and am overcome with emotion and gratitude.

"Halmeoni! Of course you need to accept it. You're doing society an injustice if they don't get to try your corn dogs!" Good Boy says.

"Thank you, Good Boy. Thank you. Thank you so much." I say with tears shining in my eyes.

Good Boy gives me a boyish grin, the same grin that he wore when I met him fifteen years ago. His innocent eyes. His genuine smile. And his kind heart.

Good Boy always says that I'm the angel that heaven sent to him. But I believe it's quite the exact opposite. As I look around and see him and Dal mi - the way they both shine so brightly and beautifully now. 

Good Boy is the angel that heaven sent to me. 

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