Chapter 55: You're Back

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Dal mi's POV

"IT'S TODAY! TODAY!" I announce happily as I burst out of my room.

"Aish! Quieten down! I'll get deaf at the rate you're screaming and you're going to wake up the whole neighbourhood!" Halmeoni groans and covers her ears.

"HALMEONI!" I exclaim excitedly and give her a huge hug.

"What are you doing?" Halmeoni laughs.

"Ji Pyeong is coming back today!" I announce excitedly and jump up and down. I can't control my excitement.

"Oh?" Halmeoni smiles. "What time does he land?" She asks.

"6pm!" I say. I peer at the clock. 8am. That's exactly ten hours. In exactly ten hours, I get to see the love of my life again.

"And you'll bring him here to eat dinner right?" Halmeoni asks, excited herself about the idea of seeing Ji Pyeong.

"I will!" I say happily. "I need to head off to work now! Goodbye Halmeoni! When I come home tonight, Ji Pyeong will be here!" I squeal as I run out the door.


The hands of the clock take forever to reach 6pm. I peer outside the window. Why is the sun still shining so brightly?!

I stare at the clock in anticipation. 50 more minutes... 20 more minutes... 10 more minutes... 5 more minutes... 6pm!

"Unnie! I mean Chairman Won, I'LL BE HEADING OFF NOW!" I squeal as I gather my bag.

"Yes, yes. Have fun picking up your boyfriend." In Jae laughs with amusement as I wave excitedly and bounce out of the office.

"Don't squeal so loudly! The whole Sandbox can hear you." In Jae calls out behind me with a smile in her tone.

Ji pyeong's POV

"Ah, we're finally back." I say with relief as Dong cheon and I get our luggages. I take in a deep breath, breathing in the air of my home that I've missed greatly.

As I make my way out of the departure hall, my heart soars as they immediately zoom on her. In the midst of a large crowd, my eyes find her immediately.

In that split second, our eyes meet and the feelings of missing, longing and yearning swell in my chest like a balloon. It presses on my chest and I feel like I can't breathe until I have her in my arms.

Dal mi's eyes sparkle as she lays eyes on me. She heaves a sigh of relief and her eyes shine with desire.

"Ji Pyeong ah!" Dal mi calls out and breaks into a run towards me.

I drop my bags and open my arms out to her. She rams straight into my chest, like an arrow flying into the bullseye. I catch her in my arms and feel my heart light up at her touch. I hold her tightly, letting myself soak in the pure joy of having her in my presence again. Dal mi hugs me tightly.

"I missed you so much!" She says excitedly.

"I missed you so much too!" I say. My cheeks hurt from smiling. I run my fingers through her hair with one hand. With the other hand, I cup her face in my hand. Automatically, Dal mi lifts her face up. I lean down and press my lips against hers. Her lips are soft against mine. My heart seems to explode at the sensation of having her lips against mine, bringing me a plethora of excitement, peace and overwhelming affection.

Dal mi leans in closer and presses her lips against mine with a greater intensity. My lips part slightly and she fits her lips deeper into mine. I stroke her lips with my lips.

When I pull away, I kiss her lightly on the forehead and caress her face.

"Ahem..." Dong cheon coughs. Dal mi and I turn to stare at him.

"Ah, Dong cheon. Sorry." I laugh as I release Dal mi from my arms.

"It's okay. I'll take a taxi." Dong cheon says. As he heads off, I catch Dal mi's eye and laugh softly.

"He has a long flight, so he's really sleepy." I explain as I watch Dong cheon head off.

"Shall we go?" Dal mi asks as she takes my luggage. "I called a taxi already."


"Welcome home!" Dal mi exclaims excitedly as we step into my house. "Jiang!" She exclaims. I smile sweetly as I see the banner that she's put up in my living room. The banner reads Welcome Home My Ji Pyeong.

"How did you manage to hang that up there?" I ask affectionately as I put an arm around Dal mi.

"It was the hardest thing I've done in my life. I had to balance on a ladder with multiple tools in my hands. Oh my!" Dal mi shivers at the thought. I laugh and draw her into my arms.

"Thank you." I say as I look at her, soaking in every line and angle of her lovely being.

"Welcome home." Dal mi whispers sweetly as she leans in once again to kiss me. In the privacy of my house, we can finally kiss freely. Dal mi wraps her arms around my neck and leans in close. Her chest is against mine. I fit my lips into her. My lips wrap around hers, feeling the fullness of her lips. Her lips part and she invites me in. The spark of passion is ignited and my heart races at rapid speed. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears and feel a magnetic pull from my body towards hers. My lips move over her lips in short pulses, kissing every corner, nook and cranny of her mouth. I feel Dal mi smile against my lips and purrs with pleasure. My hands stroke her neck and her hands move down my back. Her hands slip under my jacket and they rest on the thin material of my shirt.

As I break away, I press my forehead against hers. She beams at me.

"By the way," Dal mi whispers breathlessly. "I love your new hair style." She says, referring to the way I've pushed my fringe up. "It's so sexy." She whispers in a racy voice. My heart flutters.

"The definition of sexy is to be sexually exciting or attractive. Synonyms for the word sexy are exciting, stimulating and interesting." Yeong sil's voice rings through the house.

Dal mi draws away from me in shock and I glare at Yeong sil.

"Yeong sil..." I curse under my breath. Dal mi laughs softly as she sees Yeong sil on the table.

"Hello Yeong sil." She laughs shyly, stepping away from me.

"Hello." Yeong sil replies. "Here is your fortune for today."

"Aish, not this again." I laugh, scratching the back of my neck.

"Today, a warm spring breeze is coming your way. You'll find flowers blooming on the side of the road and a wonderful fresh aroma in the air. Love is in the air today."

"Oh, he actually got something right for the first time." I laugh as Dal mi leans her cheek on my shoulder.

In Another Life: Han Ji Pyeong's Happy Ending (Start Up)Where stories live. Discover now