Chapter 27: For Good Luck

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Ji Pyeong's POV

"The claw machine corner?" Dal mi's eyes sparkle as I pull up in front of the claw machine corner.

"Do you remember? When you were younger, you wrote saying that you'd always come here whenever you felt upset or frustrated." I tell Dal mi, remembering the words she wrote in the letters fifteen years ago.
"You remember?" Dal mi covers my mouth in shock.

"I even remember that your biggest wish is to eat a whole ice cream sundae by yourself." I smile.

"Ah right. That's because I always had to share with In jae and she'd always take all the good stuff." Dal mi says thoughtfully.


"JI PYEONG! JI PYEONG! LEFT! GO LEFT!" Dal mi exclaims excitedly as I give the claw machine a go.

"Aish!" I sigh as the claw misses the plushie by a fraction of a hair. "Is this thing a scam or something? Jeez." I push my hair back, away from my forehead. This is my seventh attempt. Aish, how can something so seemingly simple be so hard.

"My turn." Dal mi says happily and takes the controls. "Okay, let's go." She says eagerly.

"Oh! Oh!" I watch in anticipation as the claw picks up the plushie under Dal mi's control.

"Ah jeez!" Dal mi throws her hands up in frustration as the claw drops the toy once the time runs out. "I was so close!" She exclaims.

"Ji pyeong ah, I think this is really a scam." Dal mi says, making me laugh. "I'm going to create an AI. An AI that tells me the probability of catching a toy from one of these machines! And then I'll prove it's a scam!" Dal mi says angrily.

"Ji pyeong ah. I believe in you. Your turn." She says confidently.

"Okay, come on, let's go." I say, pushing my fringe away from my forehead.

"Wait!" Dal mi says before I take hold of the game controls.

She takes my hand and kisses it.

"For good luck." She smiles. A smile spreads itself across my face. I suddenly feel invincible.

"Come on, a bit more! A little bit more!" I bite my lip nervously as the claw picks up a plushie and makes its way to the drop off. Just a bit more...

"YOU GOT IT!" Dal mi exclaims happily and claps her hands together.
"I GOT IT!" I say in exhilaration. I reach down and draw out an adorable lamb plushie.

"Wah, maybe I'm magical too." Dal mi says in awe. "The moment I kissed your hand... Wah, immediate success." Dal mi says.

"More magic please?" I joke as I hold out my hand to her. She takes my hand and kisses me on the cheek. I can feel myself blushing.

"Here, for you." I say and give it to Dal mi.

"Wah, it's so cute." Dal mi says happily as she holds it in her hands.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask her, looking at her. The strained expression that she wore in the office has definitely dissipated.

"Yes, much better." Dal mi says happily.

"I've never been happier." 

In Another Life: Han Ji Pyeong's Happy Ending (Start Up)Where stories live. Discover now