Chapter 6: High on the Rooftop

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Dal mi's POV

"Thank you for sending us today, Ms Jung." I thank Sa ha as she fetches us to the meeting with Morning Group. "But you know, we could have easily taken the bus." I say apologetically.

"You need to look like a hot shot in order for people to respect you." Sa ha says in a mean voice but her words glow with warmth. I smile at her. She's really starting to grow on me.
"Here." Sa ha says and passes me lipstick to touch up.

"Thank you." I say gratefully.


"Then why did you ask us for an AI solution, when you had already hired a whole engineering team?" I ask Chairman Won. I try my best to watch my words - to be respectful. He looks like a slimy pig in that slick greasy hair and awful smile.

"Do you know why I chose Samsan Tech out of all the candidates?" Chairman Won asks and folds his hands together. He looks at us as if we were chewed up pieces of gum.

"If you had chosen to follow your mother, you would be my daughter now." Chairman Won says.

His words bite into my gut. They're like multiple wounds taken to the body. I think of my father... my hardworking, loving father who only wanted to make it in the business world for his family. Memories of my dear father flash before my eyes. The chicken he would buy for me with hard earned money. The way he would generously give me the bigger chicken piece. The way he would smile and hug me even after he's been through an awful day of work.

My father may not have been the richest man alive. But he had the biggest heart.

Not like the slimy snake that sits before us, on a throne of pride.

"It would have been nice if you had followed me. Then you wouldn't have gone through such hardships..."

I squeeze my fists together.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. I tell myself.

Don't cry.

My heart burns with a mix of emotions. Fury, anger, frustration, sorrow... It feels like my chest is about to explode. I feel like I've swallowed a huge pill and it's choking me.

Without a word, Do san walks up to Chairman Won's desk and lifts up his nameplate. In one sharp movement, glass shards are sent flying in all directions as Do san shatters Chairman Won's name plate.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?" Chairman Won jumps out of his seat and yells at Do san. Do san balls his fists together. There's a dark stain on the carpet as blood flows out of the wound on Do san's hand.

Without a word, he storms out of the Chairman's office.

"Do san!" I call out after him. I follow him to the rooftop.

Do san rubs his neck in frustration as he burns in anger.
"Let me see your hand." I say as I reach out for his hand. "Ah, you're bleeding very badly." I sigh.

"Dal mi, I'm sorry." Do san says as he rips his hand out of my grasp. "I'm sorry I ruined our chances... but I really can't do that project."

He stares out towards the sky. His expression is hard and angry.

"I cost you 10 million won... but don't worry, I'll bring back 10 billion won." Do san says.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I say, secretly relieved that I don't need to work under Chairman Won. Thankful that I have an excuse to reject this awful exploitive project.

"Let me see your hand." I say and reach for his hand.

The next few seconds shock me.

Do san sweeps me in his arms when I reach for his hand. His arms wrap around me.

"What are you doing?" I say, trying to wiggle out of his reach. The moment I try to squeeze myself out of his embrace, I almost feel bad. What am I doing? This is the man that I'm supposedly in love with. I place my arms around him awkwardly. But it feels like an inaccurate fit. Like when you wear something that's way too small or way too big.

Do san pulls away for a bit and at first I'm relieved that he's loosened his grip around me. However, as Do san leans in, his lips directed towards my lips, my hands instinctively shoot up and cover my mouth.

Do san looks at me. The fury in his eyes have now been washed over by a sheet of disappointment. A huge weight drops on me immediately.

I should be in love with this man standing before me. Why can't I even hug him or kiss him?

"You're bleeding. I'll get the first aid kit." I cough and use this as an excuse to break away from Do san. "I'll be back." I say.

As I take the lift down to the office to retrieve the first aid kit, the scenes from just moments again replay over and over again in my head. Why didn't I want to kiss him? Two voices wrestle dangerously in my head. These days, I feel like my entire being is being stretched and pulled by two opposite ends. My mind argues that the Nam Do san that I met in adulthood is the one I'm supposed to love. But my heart can't help but long for the Nam Do san in the letters from fifteen years ago.

My chest feels stuffy. I feel like I can't breathe.

"Why are you behaving as if there are two Nam Do sans." I scold myself.

The lift doors open.

"Oh! Mr Han!" I say as he appears before me.

Somehow, the sight of Ji pyeong puts the two wrestling voices to peace. A warm sense of calmness washes over me.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him.
"I wanted to ask you how the meeting with Morning Group went, but you weren't in the office." Ji pyeong explains.

Today, his hair is pushed up, instead of the usual style where part of his forehead is covered. My heart flutters.

"Oh, the meeting..." I say slowly, thinking of how to explain how it was an absolute mess.

"Why? What's wrong?" Ji pyeong asks, picking up immediately on my look of dismay.

"It's a long story. But Do san injured his hand and I need to get the first aid kit." I say.
"Injured his hand? Where is he?" Ji pyeong asks. 

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