SORRY. 021

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"I'm really glad you met them, Jay hyung," Jungwon chuckles as he looks at Jay who just finished showering. The night has already been spent with dinner and karaoke with their friends. Now, they're both in their bedroom preparing for bed.


"Heeseung hyung, Jake hyung. Everyone! They're all so nice to be with."

Jay smiles and sits down on their bed. The two are wearing matching dinosaur pajamas. Late at night, the lights were turned off as they talked themselves to sleep. The older tells Jungwon the story of how he and his friends had met. A fun thing is that, their friend group even ended up being couples, except for Jay.

"Hmm," Jay hums. They've probably been talking for a long time now as the clock ticked midnight. "I'm really proud of you today. You managed to beat me. As expected from you."

Jungwon giggles and looks at Jay. His dimples become apparent amidst the dark. "Psh. I'm also proud of you. The things you said at the interview were cute, by the way. I couldn't help but be flustered."

Comfortable silence falls upon them for a while until Jay softly says. "You're the cutest when you're flustered."

Jungwon purses his lips to suppress his smile and closes his eyes to pretend he's asleep. Jay ends up laughing because of this, "yahhh, you were literally awake just five seconds ago."

He playfully pokes Jungwon's waist. "You have terrible acting skills."

Jungwon groans and gives up with his sleeping facade, flashing the older a teasing glare. "Whatever," he turns so his back faces Jay. Chuckling in amusement, Jay hugs him from behind and plants a kiss on Jungwon's head.

"I love you. Goodnight, angel."

"Goodnight, my sweet," Jungwon smiles as they cuddle. "I love you."

With the rise and fall of Jay's chest against Jungwon's back, the two stay silent to fall asleep. The ambience is peaceful and they're both sure of one thing— they're home.

✧˚ · .

People took their relationship quite well. A lot were surprised and very happy, though, there would sometimes be hateful comments from mean people, haters, or salty fans in general. Those negative reactions didn't affect both Jungwon and Jay, anyway. It's the least of their worries. Jay's parents also went back to South Korea, and they were also happy with the news.

Three days after their race, they started practicing again. The race they're practicing for is a big game for their careers. If they win, they'll be able to advance to international competitions. Eunho never confronted Jungwon about the thing going on between him and Jay. He only talks solely about work.

Jungwon's already home as he finished his practice earlier than Jay. As he cooks their dinner, just in time, the door opens with Jay's voice coming from the entrance of their apartment.

"Wonie~ I'm home!"

Just in time, Jungwon turns off the stove and places the plates of newly cooked food on the table. "Jay hyung!" He chuckles and excitedly greets Jay who stood by the entrance. The latter takes off his coat and his shoes, but his head hangs low a bit— as if he was embarrassed, and as if he didn't want Jungwon to see his face. Jungwon hugs him from behind. Before he could plant a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek, he pauses, seeing a forming bruise on Jay's left cheek, as well as a small cut in the bruise.

"What's that?" Jungwon furrows his eyebrows and stops hugging him. Concern fills him up as he holds Jay's shoulders and makes Jay face him. Blotches of red surrounded the cut as Jay sheepishly grimaces. "What happened?" Feeling furious at the thought of Jay getting into a fight, Jungwon resists the urge to get angry in front of the older.

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