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Jungwon has nothing on his mind— all he could think of was his determination to win this race. His mind was set on the tracks and the way he grips the steering wheel. He can't lose this one, no, and seeing how the Ferrari sped past him, he couldn't help but grit his teeth in sheer annoyance and a tad bit of competitiveness. He envisions Park Jay smirking inside that Ferrari, knowing damn well how to get on his nerves.

That bastard can get quite the cocky one, especially if he surpasses Jungwon. But for some reason, Jay never bothered him that much aside from a few smirks here and there— perhaps, it was just the way he smiles?

Jungwon shakes his head and once again pays his attention to the race he's in. He currently hears the announcer through his headphones; he's running in 2nd place, with Jay going for first. Stepping up his gear in an attempt to overtake the current top 1 before they get to the finish line, Jungwon holds his breath as he catches up with Jay's Ferrari.

Right now, their cars were matching with each other in a tie, both of them focusing for the finish line, but Jungwon couldn't help but glance at Jay's car repetitively. The audience roars and stands up, cheering for both of the teams. The thrill of the race definitely centered between the famous racer and his biggest rival throughout his entire career. Both of them were competitive, but Jungwon was surely more passionate about racing. He couldn't stand the feeling of not winning the races he partakes in. Meanwhile Jay only does this because it's a fun sport.

However, as they both seem to be nearing the finish line while still being side-by-side, Jungwon felt sick to his stomach at the mere thought of losing. He can already imagine the disappointed look on his dad's face if he ends up being later than Jay's car.

The finish line felt nothing but a mere inch when Jungwon stopped his breath and looked at Jay's car beside him, eyes wide and fists clenched against the steering wheel. The milliseconds were held with both of the racers glancing at each other. Only one second left before the winner gets determined.

And with that one second, Jungwon's heart hammers against his chest. With that one second, he prepares himself for the answer of "who is the winner?" Jungwon swears to himself that he will never be able to forgive himself if he loses this one. He already lost during his last race. If he loses again, he doesn't know how his dad will react.

He's Yang Jungwon. Losing a race twice in a row? Unbelievable. Well, for his dad, Yang Eunho, that is. Eunho will surely go berserk if Jungwon loses again. After all, his son has to be perfect.

And no, Jungwon isn't a robot. He only feels more pressured and finally, the one second that passed that seemed to have gone on slow-mo finally comes to an end.

The crowd cheers. Jungwon and Jay eventually stopped as they already went through the finish line. Jungwon gulps and grips on the steering wheel as his Lamborghini stops. He looks at the audience.

His supporters were just sitting down. They all seemed to have sad looks on their faces, but still had smiles on their faces as if it meant "cheer up." His heart crashes and his eyes meet with a specific person. Yang Eunho kept a big frown on his face and his brows were furrowed.

And there goes his suspicions.

"Congratulations to racer 02! Park Jongseong!"

He hears the announcer through his headphones. Pulling the device off of his head and throwing it on the empty seat beside him, Jungwon hits his steering wheel in frustration. The screams of the crowd left his sense of hearing as he hangs his head low and his hands make their way to his hair, angrily gripping it as he focused his attention to the slight burning of his scalp.

Jungwon takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. His chest hurt and he swallowed, trying not to cry. No, he can't cry. He still has to leave his sports car and face the audience. He took one last breath and nodded at himself. The pain and the disappointment etched in his face was masked as he put a dumbfounded look on. The same face he always made whenever he either wins or loses a race. The face that says "I don't give a shit," as if he didn't really care about the results at all.

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