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"Have you gotten mad?"

Jungwon looks down on his lap as Eunho grits his teeth. "You had a chance to win! But what did you do? You disappoint me again?! Is that how you repay me?!" Jungwon stays silent. Once again, they were inside a private room in Yaichiro Racetrack. The room is exclusive only for the Yangs. "And.. Worse! You should have left that Park alone! But you didn't! You drove back to him when you were about to lead the fucking race! Are you crazy?"

Silence falls for a while as Eunho takes deep breaths to console himself. "Right in front of everyone, too. You're getting stupid and stupid each day!"

"I have already won almost everything in the past months. What else do I have to do?" Jungwon mutters. Eunho doesn't answer, so when Jungwon looks up, he finds a raging look on his father's face. He sees how Eunho's hand balls into a fist as he resists the urge to go berserk.

Ever since that night where he told his son to stay away from Jay, Eunho hasn't hit him. He only huffs and lets out his anger towards Jungwon by yelling at him and pressuring him.

"Next time... You will win. No more distractions, do you understand me?!"

"Yes, sir," Jungwon scowls and Eunho sits down on a chair, covering his face with his hands as he sighs in frustration.

"Now go. Get out of my sight!"

Jungwon stands up without saying anything else as he walks out of the room. He frowns and zips up his racing suit to prepare for his practice.

✧˚ · .

"So for this year's rest event," Mr. Nishimura, the owner of Yaichiro Racing, clasps his hands together. Excitement is evident in his tone, and even the sparkle on his eyes indicates that he does in fact care for the racers. Jungwon glances at Eunho who was sitting by the other managers on the bleachers. He looks away with a subtle eye roll, before paying his full attention to what Mr. Nishimura has to say.

"We're going to Jeju-do! This one-week trip will also serve as appreciation for those who won a lot this year. Those who have won at least five times this year won't have to pay as we will cover the expenses. Specifically, Yang Jungwon, Park Jongseong, you two won't need to pay for anything, so we will really appreciate it if you come."

Jay, who was beside Nicholas, glances at Jungwon. Jungwon looks at Jay too before glancing at Eunho who shakes his head in disapproval, like the usual.

"Now, will you two join? Here's the permit."

Jungwon nods, ignoring Eunho's presence. "I'll join."

He looks at Jay whose face lights up. "I'll join, too!" Jay smiles widely as he glances at Jungwon. Yep, Jay's not being too secretive about his enthusiasm at the thought of Jungwon. The younger only smiles a bit as he chuckles under his breath. Though Jay acts cool sometimes, he's still effortlessly cute.

After the meeting, Jungwon sees Eunho approaching him.

"What the hell did you do? You're not going to Jeju-do!" He expresses his spite.

"I already signed the permit," Jungwon mutters, "there's nothing you can do now. Sorry."

"Why.. you!"

Jungwon knows that he's pissing Eunho off as he walks away. He's not in the mood to talk, too, anyway. Before he can leave the racetrack, he finds Jay looking at him. The older flashes him a gesture as he mouths, "text me!"

✧˚ · .

Jay hyung 😼

Wonie 😸

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