TEARS. 014

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Death is inevitable.

Jungwon wasn't scared of it. If he thinks it's his time to go, then so be it. But now, as he watches his friends swim around in the outdoor pool of the beach resort, he finds himself smiling unconsciously. It doesn't take long before the smile on his face drops as he looks down on his lap.

He's starting to get scared of death.

It's not the fear of getting himself hurt, nor is it the fear of not being able to breathe. He's scared of leaving them. He's scared that he hasn't even spent enough time with them.

Especially Jay. Jungwon fears death. He's scared that he'll leave Jay.

As if his mind got read, Jungwon hears the splashing of water as he looks up to find Jay approaching him. "Hey," Jay says to Jungwon who's only sitting on the side of the pool, dipping only his feet. "Wanna swim?" Jay asks him.

It's their first day staying in Jeju-do. They spent the entire day exploring around, and Jungwon and Sunoo immediately became comfortable with the rest since they all seem to connect naturally. After their dinner, they agreed to go night-swimming in the pool.

Jungwon stares at Jay and then glances at his friends who were all swimming, too. He shakes his head, making Jay coo. "Awee. It's fun!" Jay mutters as he playfully flicks water to Jungwon's face.

"Ah— hyung!" Jungwon clicks his tongue. He doesn't wanna swim yet, anyway. He's exhausted after a long day. The younger kicks the water, purposely splashing it to Jay.

Jay accepts his attack before running his fingers through his wet hair. "Why don't you wanna swim?"

"It's cold. And I'm tired," Jungwon mutters with a small pout. "Besides, I'll just go swimming in the morning."

"Hmm, understandable. Heh, you're like your cousin, he doesn't wanna get in the water, too," Jay points to Sunoo who was getting dragged by a soaked Sunghoon towards the water, but Sunoo only forces strength while screaming that he doesn't wanna get in the water.

"Since when did he become Tom and Jerry with Sunghoon?" Jungwon chuckles in amusement.

"They're very close," Jay mutters as the two stare at Sunghoon who tries to lift Sunoo up but hugging Sunoo's torso from behind, while Sunoo just continues to shriek and flail his arms around. Ni-ki, who's playing with Heeseung and Jake, frowns at the sight and Jungwon notices this.

"I'm gonna head back, I'm feeling really tired," Jungwon says while standing up.

"Okay, I'll go after you later. I might sleep late tonight because I'll be playing a game," Jay tells him and Jungwon nods while giving him a thumbs up. The older smiles at him and makes a heart using his hands, "good night, Wonie."

"Have a fun night, Jay hyung," Jungwon smiles a bit before walking off.

✧˚ · .

tw // disturbing scenes, car crash, blood, death

"I thought Wonie is the one who'll stay with his grandma today?"

"Ah, just let our kid have fun, honey," the woman chuckled as she ruffled her son's curly hair. Haneul. She was beautiful. "He's going to his friend's sleepover tonight. I'll be the one who'll go, later."

"You're the best, mom!" The sixteen year old hugged Haneul tightly. She was kind.

Jungwon stands still, staring at his younger self who grinned widely with his eyes closed. Eunho looked younger, and kinder— having a loving smile on his face as he watched his wife and son. They used to be perfect.

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