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The taste of seasoned chicken lingers in their mouths as Jay and Jungwon sit beside each other, watching the view from the lighthouse Jay rented. Ordering chicken and beer for their own dinner, the two find the whole thing interesting— it's the bare minimum, really. But there's just something different in the air. It feels comfortable despite their new surroundings. Maybe it's the waves from the beach below, maybe it's the cold night breeze, maybe it's the stars that twinkled in the black abyss called the sky.

Or, things just feel more comfortable and safe because they are together.

Jungwon glances at Jay's side figure. Handsome. He's even more stunning than the ever so beautiful moon that once again stared at them from above. Earlier, they left the resort and at a lighthouse. Jay claimed to rent the whole place for the night as the lighthouse publicly accommodates everyone, and he doesn't want anyone to interrupt them.

So, he does what he does and makes sure they own the place for tonight. Though, they can't stay overnight as it's only a lighthouse and no bedrooms, but it's fine. They can go back to the beach resort if they want to rest.

The younger takes a sip of his beer— feeling the slight sting on his mouth before glancing at Jay again. "Don't you think the sea is interesting?" He says out of nowhere, making Jay look at him.

"Mhm. So many living species there, though we haven't even explored everything," Jay chuckles, also drinking from his can of beer. There's something about chicken and beer at night with the fresh view of the water and stars that make everything seem perfect.

"Yeah. It's.. kinda scary. But I'm so fascinated by it," Jungwon says. "Outside the galaxy, too. I wonder what's out there."

Jay smiles a bit. "Hm, I don't know. Maybe other dimensions~?"

"Pft, what are you, ten?" Jungwon jokingly teases Jay who pouts at him. He pinches Jay's cheek while chuckling, "kidding. I'm only kidding. Who knows? Maybe there's a possibility. What if.. in another universe..."


"What if another version of me is also watching the stars right now? Having chicken and beer," he mutters and after finishing up what's left of his beer, he lays his head on Jay's shoulder. "What if he's alone right now? Maybe in another universe, we also have a different story."

"Hmm, if there is another universe," Jay chuckles, "I hope that Jay is yearning for that Jungwon."

Jungwon nods his head. "It makes me feel luckier, you know."

Jay envelops Jungwon's waist with his arm as the two cuddle close. "How so?"

"Because I'm really lucky to be here with you," Jungwon sits up straight, Jay's arm still on his back. He smiles at Jay, giving the older his famous dimples.

"And I'm really lucky that you've been a special part of this lifetime. And I hope that in another lifetime, and after that, I'll be able to find you. Again, and again, it'll always be you," Jay quietly says. He can see how Jungwon's eyes brim with tears and before he could open his mouth to ask him what's wrong, Jungwon pecks the corner of Jay's lips before going back to their previous position as he leans against Jay's shoulder.

"Heyy," Jay pouts, "is there something wrong? Why are you crying?"

Jungwon shakes his head and bites his lip to stop himself from sobbing. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just.. feeling a bit overwhelmed. Because, I really love you, Jay hyung. I really do. But do I really deserve this? To be loved by you? Because you're too good, hyung," he mutters. "I'm.. like those stars up there. There's billions in the sky. So, why me? Out of everyone you've met, why is it me that you love?"

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