Chapter 8 - His Reaction

Start from the beginning

Nandini felt her eyes moistened. She knew Sanchita loves her and always be by her side with sincerity and she was glad to find such person as her best friend. She doubted on her and never will. So she held her hand and smiled.

"I am fine. This is first time I am experiencing such thing and I know I am not used to face such problems but I really don't want to let it go without any fight Sanchita. I never felt like this before and I really want to live this period of my life. I want to clear the problems between us and I can only do it when I take the initiative to face him personally"

Sanchita sighed "you are really stubborn girl" then shook her head "you are taking all the leads but from his point he is staying ignorant. Fine, since you are so desperate I won't stop you anymore but if he hurt you then I will never forgive him no matter what"

Nandini smiled "thanks for supporting me" then she hugged her tightly.

After finishing classes Nandini walked out and looked around the campus. She didn't know if he came today or not but she has the feeling that he is here. How she attended today's class only she knew it. With the passing time she became more restless than before. So she could hardly wait for the class to end  desperately.

"I need to find him" she mumbled. Sanchita already left for her extra classes so she will be alone to go back to the hostel. But before that she really need to tal to him.

She walk through the corridor. There are many students present there. Chatting while walking or standing on side in group. But none of them are familiar to her. Though Nandini has many friends back in home or school days but after admitting in college she was not much interested in befriending so she only had Sanchita her bestfriend and also shares the hostel room with her.

After walking for some more times she still couldn't find him. She started to doubt if he really came today or not. It she couldn't meet him today then she die with this anxiety and if she managed to meet with him then... She really don't want to think about the result before meeting him.

"There must be  some misunderstanding" she chanted the words as she walk. Suddenly her gaze fell on certain someone when she reached the yard of the campus.

She can clearly see the familiar figure at the corner side with some other people. Her heart started to beat fast. She was right, he really came today. And finally she managed to locate him. Now he is standing few steps away but it felt like her legs are glued on the spot unable to move.

She took a deep breath "now or never" she chanted before calming herself down.

"I have to talk to him" she muttered again before forcing herself to walk towards him. Stopped few stepped away from him.

"Hi" I called out.

His back was facing her and she couldn't see his expression. But the boys he was talking stopped and looked at her. Nandini don't know what to do. She suddenly appeared and disturbed their conversation.

"Uh...Manik I have something to do so I will go first" one of the boys said and smiled "see you" then left followed by others too.

Nandini sighed inwardly seeing them left. Then she again looked at the back of the man ego still didn't turned to look at her. Her heart felt anxious.

"Manik?" She called again trying to supress the uneasiness.

He swiftly turned around and looked at her "yes"

"Uh...I was searching for you everywhere. But couldn't find. I almost thought you have not came today" she said giving a small smile.

"I have classes so of course I won't miss them" he replied shortly.

Nandini's heart tightened suddenly. He is talking like he was forced. Is he deliberately doing this? She couldn't help but think about it.

"You were searching for me?" His question startled her.



Nandini give him a look "you really don't know?"

"Should I?" He asked back.

"You are doing this deliberately right? Trying to ignore my words?" She asked.

"I am not doing anything. I am just frank with you"

Nandini shook her head. No she couldn't talk about other things. She needed to ask for an answer. At least he owe her that right?

She looked up to look into his eyes. He was tall and masculine so she had to raise her head to get fully view.

"I want answers Manik" she said seriously.

"For what?"

"For what I told you last night" she insisted. She will insist him until he tell her.

"Haven't I told you already?"

Nandini frowned "no you didn't and that is why I am here before you standing right"

He shook his head "you are forgetting. I said thank you last night"

"Is that even an answer?" She retorted "I was not favouring you with anything to get such answer. I was serious when I confessed about my feelings. And I want to know what you think about it"

He sighed "we cdn talk about this some other times. It's late I need to attend my class" he was about to walk but she held on his arm.

"No, I won't let you walk away like nothing happened. I want to hear about your feelings and you can't stay ignorant for whole life can you?"

Manik pushed her hands and looked at her "what do you want to hear?"

Nandini felt light in her heart "the answer"

"Is not it obvious? Can't you guess it by yourself?" His voice turned hard.

Nandini stepped back "but you have not-"

"Fine" before she could say he stopped her "since you want to heart it from then fine, let's get over with it. No, my answer is No. Are you happy?" Then he left abruptly.

Nandini stood there dumbfounded. Her heart tightened more as she watched him living. Her gaze pinned on the figure until it could no longer been seen.

He really rejected her?

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