
After eating I decided to train a little bit more before my mission.

"Luca," Mateo says in a stern voice. I stop the punching bag and look at him. "Why haven't you called your brother yet?" I sighed.

"I forgot." I look down, I didn't forget at all.

"Don't lie to me." He says his eyes continuing to stare at me.

"I'm kinda nervous, I don't know why," I say before Mateo hands me the phone.

"Call him, he wants to hear from you and he can't focus on his mission until he knows you're okay. He's also really mad at himself that he's not here." I nod at his words and start dialing Alex's number.

"What if Anala already killed him?" I laugh before I press the call button.

"Good point." Mateo laughs as well and then leaves the room so I can talk to Alex in private.

"Hello," It's good to hear his voice again.

"I feel like I haven't heard from you in forever," I laugh.

"Luca?" Alex questions.

"No it's your doctor, sorry to say but unfortunately your head is too big to shove up your ass." I laugh again and this time so does he.

"How are you doing Lupo? You nervous?"

"Nervous as hell. How about you? I'm surprised Anala hasn't killed you yet."

"I'm good and no Anala hasn't killed me yet, you haven't heard? We are the best of friends now." He says sarcastically.

"You're kidding," I say in disbelief.

I can hear Anala over the phone saying she still can't stand him which just makes Alex laugh.

Alex speaks up again. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I mean Mateo keeps telling me that nothing will go wrong but I- I don't know. I guess I just have a bad gut feeling."

"You will be okay, remember you have Kaz and Mateo there. But don't forget about that gut feeling, do what you need to do to survive."

"I know," I sigh and rub my face trying to convince myself.

"So, how is your mission going?" I ask Alex.

"Good, we are on our way. We'll be back tomorrow morning." He says I hear Anala say something in the background.

"Hang on, Anala wants to talk to you," Alex says.

"Pukaaaaa" Anala shouted into the phone.

"Hey, Lani. How are you bae? Miss me?"

"Yes, I do miss my favorite Creed brother. Alex is driving me insane. I think I may need to stay with you a couple of nights when I get back so that I can be sane again." Lani rambles.

"Makes sense, I can barely stand him, to be honest. I mean I have to live with him." I hear Alex in the background sounding offended and Anala laughs at him which makes me smile. I'm really glad they are getting along. "And you can stay with me however long you want, all you have to do is ask," I say with a smirk which I'm sure she can tell is there from the phone.

"Sounds like a plan, but we are about to be there so I gotta go. You are gonna do great on your mission. Alex and I know you will do great and we wish you the best of luck."

"Go kick some ass," I say.

"Likewise," I can tell Anala is smiling before she hangs up. 

Anala's pov:

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