Blackwell: And I am the Principal of Somar. My name is Blackwell and it's very nice to meet you all.

She has light brown hair that reaches her shoulders. She's wearing a button up shirt that's maroon. She's wearing a purple skirt, a pair of stockings, and black high heels.

Beacon: You all my be confused as to why you're all here and we are here to answer those questions that are wondering in your mind.

Blackwell: After the tournament between our schools happened, we both noticed that the students from each other's schools got really well together.

Beacon: So we decided to give all the students a week off so we could discuss somethings in the future and we came to a certain conclusion.

Blackwell: We decided to combine the schools! Now Hero School Heritage and Somar are now one big Hero School!

Combined the schools? So that's why my mom was super excited about this. Everyone started to talk to each other, discussing what has been told to them.

Grace: So we're classmate buddies now!

I heard the gym door open and Ivy ran up to us. She put her hands on her knees to keep herself up and she's breathing heavily.

Ivy: I'm totally not late. Ok?

She looked up and saw Grace, Cody, and Chris.

Ivy: What are these guys here?

Cody: We are now students here.

Ivy: That's a good joke and all, but shouldn't you be at Somar or something?

Chris: We are at Somar.

Ivy: I'm about to punch you-

(Y/N): Heritage and Somar are combining to one school.

Ivy: Oh... Oh... What?!

Katie: Apparently it's because of what happened at the tournament.

Beacon: I hope you all are welcoming of this change.

Blackwell: You may all go to class.

The crowd of students left the gym. I saw Mr. Black walk up to us.

Fox: Sorry students, but combat class is no longer your first period class.

Ivy: Man, but I liked combat class. You're my least hated teacher here.

Fox: Weird complement but I'll take it.

Katie: So what's our first class then?

(A Minute Later)

Me, Katie, Ivy, Dave, Grace, Cody, and Chris are walking over to a class room. We made it to the door and I looked through a small window that's on the door. A bunch of smoke filled the class room, making me unable to see what's inside.

Katie: That can't be good.

Grace: Oh no.

Ivy: What is it?

Chris: Wait til you see the teacher.

The door slammed open, revealing Chemist, covered in soot as smoke flooded out of the room.

Chemist: Good morning students! Welcome to science class!

I looked past her and saw something on her desk on fire.

Cody: Chemist, you have a problem on your desk-

Chemist: Don't worry about that! Fire doesn't burn forever! Come in come in!

Chemist went behind all of us and pushed us inside the room. We went over to some seats and sat down, getting ready for this class.

Chemist: Hello class! Not everyone here has had me as a teacher before so let me introduce myself! I'm Chemist, the 5th ranked Hero in the world! I was the teacher of science and combat class, but my husband is already teaching combat class so here we are! Now, who's ready to learn science?!

The class stayed silent. I'm still focused on the fire burning on her desk. How has the fire alarm not go off yet. Might want to tell the Principals about that and have them check the alarms.

Chemist: I see no one is excited. Guess that means I'll have to make science class exciting!

Grace: That's not necessary! We are super excited, right guys?!

Everyone from Heritage stayed silent and the students from Somar all froze in fear.

Chemist: To make science exciting, I'll have to introduce explosions into the equation!

She grabbed two beakers filled with water. She activated her Power and the water turned to different colors.

Chemist: Now class, watch what happens when I mix nitroglycerin with-

She pouted one of the beakers contents into the other one. An explosion happened, hitting Chemist in the face. She waved the smoke away from her face and coughed. Chemist took her glasses off and wiped them clean and put them back on.

Chemist: Now, does anyone want to try it for themselves?!


Chemist smiled to herself and crossed her arms.

Chemist: Great to hear.

(Chapter 27 end)

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