Chapter 43: Get a load of Purifiers Note: No pun intended.

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Enterprise: (No! Why?! I'm so stubborn again! Please Belfast! Help me!)

Belfast: There is definitely something wrong with you.

Belfast: *Walks to Enterprise before smiling at Enterprise*

Belfast: Enterprise.

Enterprise: Huh? (Please do something!)

Belfast: *Takes her neck tie causing Enterprise to be confused.*

Enterprise: Huh? Wait?!

Leaving the dorm room.

Enterprise: What?! W-wait! Hey...

At the lobby, Helena, Northampton, Arizona, Lekiu, Bian, and Pasopati with Javelin, Unicorn, and Ayanami are doing their stuff, reading newspapers and playing games. Before Belfast comes pulling Enterprise like a dog.

Enterprise: Wait, what is this?! Hey?! Answer me!

Enterprise: Belfast! Stop this! Let me go already!

Enterprise: Hey! Are you listening to me?! (Thank you Belfast! I needed for that!)

Javelin: Huh? What was that? *Looks at the two*

Ayanami: I'm surprised to see something like that.

Bian: Yeah for real, what's with her pulling Enterprise to the cafeteria.

Lekiu: Probably Enterprise is being stubborn again.

Pasopati: This is going to be embarrassing for Emilia.

Unicorn: I've never seen Belfast like that...

Laffey: *Yawn* Good morning. I overslept.

Tenacious: Good morning everyone! *Then feels the atmosphere*

Tenacious: Did I miss something?

At the cafeteria.

Enterprise (LR): I like some coleslaw, mash potatoes, and fried chicken!

Yorktown (LR): I'm taking apple pie, and some bagels.

Hornet (LR): I want a hamburger! With cheese, egg, bacon, and onions!

Arissa: Order's in! Aishah, Conqueror, time to cook!

Aishah: I'm on it!

Conqueror: Getting everything prepared!

Luna: So I heard from you Andrea that you and Bataan are secretly alone in your dorm rooms is that correct?

Andrea: *Blushes* W-what?! Who told you that?!

Bataan: Yeah! Isn't it interrupting a ship girl's privacy?!

Luna: It was USS Pasig who told me.

Bataan: Pasig?! Are you serious right now?!

Andrea: She was stabbing behind our backs when we didn't realized it!

Luna: Hey, hey calm down you two lovebirds.

Andrea: Why?!

Luna: I mean, sure you met her and you saw her in her beach uniform, you and her only went at both of your rooms. So I might as well misunderstood your relationship.

Bataan: Meaning?

Luna: I might think that you are in a friendly bond, meaning the bond of friendship. Since you two didn't hangout of have a date, I guess we others misunderstood your relationship.

Andrea: Umm... (I'm so dead for this. If this is all actually a fake love relationship, then Bataan and I must be just friends, not like in a relationship.)

Liberal Lanes (Liberal Republic x Azur Lane)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang